Avery had assumed that the oil paintings hung in the living room and Cayden's bedroom were all famous antiques. It had never crossed her mind that they were drawn by Cayden as part of his hobby.

In truth, she, too, loved to draw and had a talent for it. When she was studying in Ustrana, she spent some time learning to draw oil paintings and earned the praise of her art teacher.

Unfortunately, the lessons were simply too expensive for her. As she was working part-time while studying, she didn't have the time or energy to continue and was forced to drop the class in the end.

In spite of that, every time she walked past an art studio and saw the children engrossed in letting their creativity flow on the canvas, she would be filled with envy and an inexplicable sense of regret.

From Cayden's painting, one could see how his powerful brush strokes danced across the canvas. With lines that evoked emotion and colors that filled the senses, it had a powerful effect on its audience. Just like its painter, the painting felt distinguished and elegant, coupled with a dash of mystery.

“If you like painting, I can teach you when we have the time.”

After opening a box of paint and mixing a few colors, he dabbed a paintbrush in them before placing it in Avery's hand.

Thereafter, Cayden wrapped her dainty hand in his large palm and continued drawing on the unfinished Diana and Cupid.

“No, I'm too clumsy. I'm worried that I'll spoil your painting.” Even though Cayden was holding her hand, she couldn't stop it from trembling.

Relative to his impeccable technique, Avery felt that her skill paled in comparison, which was the reason why she was worried about ruining his painting.

“It's fine. Oil paintings are different from Chanaean paintings. A wrong stroke on Chanaean paintings would destroy them, forcing the painter to start anew. As for oil paintings, any mistakes can still be remedied.” Cayden's voice, which sounded like a mellifluous flute, gradually reverberated in Avery's heart.

Although she was aware of the fact from her lessons back then, she still couldn't help but feel nervous.

After calming Avery down, Cayden—just like a good teacher—guided her patiently.

Holding her hand within his, he helped her fill in the colors on the canvas brush by brush.

After an unknown period of time, Diana's striking red dress began to take form, whereas Cupid's bow was also completed.

Their duet ended up being perfect.

Despite this being the first time they painted together, both of them managed to complete Diana and Cupid. The smorgasbord of colors fully expressed its foreign influence, while the addition of Chanaean elements brought an elegant and modern touch to it, sealing its perfection.

A sense of pride descended upon Avery even though Cayden had done most of the work.

Nonetheless, he was still unexpectedly impressed by her.

It was common among painters to produce oil paintings that were rigid and lacked true emotion. However, despite the clumsiness of Avery's brushstrokes, she managed to amalgamate her thoughts into them and allowed her spirit to flow freely.

Unable to stop himself, he gave Avery a kiss, for she had never failed to surprise him.

Just as both of them were entwined in a moment of passion, a knock on the door was heard.

Nicole's voice rang out. “Cayden, Old Mr. Moore wants you to come down for food. Are you busy? Can I come in?”

No sooner had Avery heard Nicole's voice than she gave Cayden a look, upset over the latter's behavior.

In response, Cayden put his finger to her lips before his frosty tone rang out.

“Ms. Nicole, my girlfriend and I are in the midst of our favorite activity, so it's inconvenient for you to come in. We'll be right down in a while.”

Nicole's hand—which had just knocked on the door—froze in mid-air.

When she heard Cayden brazenly declare that he was doing something with Avery in the room, her cheeks began to burn.

In spite of that, the swelling hatred within her began to spread through her extremities, suffocating her in the process.

As her innocent face began to twist into a grimace, she bit her lip forcefully in a desperate attempt to calm herself down.

Ever since she was young, she had been headstrong. She would, by hook or by crook, strive to obtain whatever she wanted. In the event of failure, she would rather have it destroyed than allow someone else to have it.

As for the man whom she had set her sights on, she was willing to resort to unscrupulous means in her quest to possess him.

Even if Cayden and Avery were married, she would still figure out a way to get them divorced, let alone when they were just dating. I can easily break them up with a scheme of mine.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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