Ever since she took part in the renovation project collaboration with Vivi Group, Avery had been busy every day.

Taking into account that she was pregnant at that time, Cayden was worried that she would overexert herself and her body. Because of that, he had made sure that the easiest work was being distributed to Avery. Nonetheless, Avery was determined to give her best in finishing the backlog of work on her hands.

Even though her relationship with Cayden had not yet been announced publicly, the members of the design department were all aware of it.

Despite working there for more than half a year and bringing excellent results, Avery was aware that some of her colleagues still had a negative opinion of her, thinking that she was just for show.

She wanted to prove her abilities to others by working harder.

In the morning, Avery and her colleagues had met up with the Housing Authority, the Land Office, and the Planning Bureau of Ackleton. They listened to a briefing by the project commander regarding the old city plan, the new and improved plan, as well as the development reports of the project so far. During the meeting, they also ironed out certain issues faced and discussed the possible setbacks in the future. At the same time, they discussed the next steps in the project.

In the afternoon, Avery went against Cayden's advice and insisted on doing a site visit with the rest of her colleagues.

Avery had made up her mind to work as hard as possible, much to Cayden's dismay and frustration. However, there was nothing he could do that would change her mind. The only thing that he could do was to make sure she was provided with nourishing food and supplements every day. Yet, despite all that, Avery still lost a few pounds in a short span of one week.

During a lunch break on a random afternoon, Avery and her colleagues were having lunch in the cafeteria. Kendrick was there too.

When he saw Avery, he was shocked to see that she had lost some weight.

Shouldn't a woman be glowing and putting on weight during pregnancy? Why did Avery slim down instead?

Avery's tiny and delicate face looked even more fragile. It was a heart-wrenching sight.

Upon seeing how slim she had become, Kendrick placed a huge fish fillet onto her plate. “Avery, you're getting too skinny. It's time you start taking care of yourself. Here, have some fish. It's good for your body.”

“Oh, uh, thank you!” Avery thanked him, albeit a bit awkwardly.

At the side, Cecelia and Nina hid their smiles behind their hands as they exchanged glances. Even Mr. Moore's brother has learned how to take care of Avery. Looks like the Moore family is one step closer to accepting Avery into the family.

Meanwhile, Yulissa was seated at the adjacent table. Her expression darkened as her grip on her utensils tightened.

How dare she flirt with the general manager in broad daylight and with so many eyes watching her? Such a shameless vixen!

Kendrick broke into a huge smile. His handsome face became even more charming in an instant. “Everyone has been working hard in Trident Group recently! Eat whatever you guys want to your heart's content! Today, the bill is on me!” he offered generously.

All the employees gasped in delight. “Are you being serious, Mr. Kendrick?”

Kendrick raised his chin proudly and elegantly. “Of course! I'm such a handsome gentleman. Do I look like someone who would go back on his word?”

The cafeteria erupted into cheers and applause. Laughter filled the place as huge smiles appeared on each face.

After thanking Kendrick in unison, the employees began ordering their favorite food and drinks. Even those who had finished their lunch came back for a second helping. After all, the food served by the cafeteria of Trident Group was better than average. Coupled with the fact that it was free lunch by the general manager, everyone wanted to get the best deal out of it.

As lunch break was nearing its end, Kendrick finished his meal and was the first to leave the table.

Before he left, he whispered to Avery, “Avery, I know that Cayden regards this renovation project as extremely important, but you shouldn't overwork yourself. You're taking care of two bodies now. You shouldn't exhaust yourself too much. If anything were to happen to you, Cayden would be heartbroken.”

“I know. I'll try.” Avery felt a hint of warmth flowing through her heart when she heard Kendrick's concerns.

“All right. I'll be leaving now, then.” Kendrick smiled. “If you face any problems or troubles in the company, feel free to find me.”

“Okay.” Avery nodded.

Seeing that Avery looked fine and was not vomiting excessively as in her previous pregnancy, Kendrick was finally relieved enough to turn and leave.

As she stared at Kendrick's diminishing silhouette, Avery could not help but feel a little taken aback.

Kendrick used to be carefree and irresponsible, but ever since he came to work after the New Year, he seemed to have changed a lot. He started to be serious at work and helped lessened Cayden's burdens.

After Kendrick left, Cecelia and Nina immediately sat down next to Avery and raised their eyebrows at her. “Avery, Mr. Moore's brother was so concerned about you. Does that mean their family has accepted you?”

“It's not as simple as you guys think. It's still not ideal, but fortunately, it's a lot better than before.” Avery touched her belly subconsciously with tenderness on her face.

She did not tell anyone in the company that she was pregnant. She even hid that fact from Cecelia and Nina.

If they knew that she was carrying a baby, they would most definitely restrict her job scope.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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