Tourists strolled down the cobbled alleys, holding intricately designed candles and looking as happy as a lark.

Interestingly, it was also the first time Cayden had slowed down to savor the bustling night scene of the city.

As thousands of light displays dotted the streets and houses, they illuminated the darkness and instilled warmth and hope in everyone's hearts.

After seeing the tourists with their candles, Cayden decided to join in the fun and bought one for Avery.

The candle he got was beautifully crafted and even had rose petals embedded within. After he lit it, a sweet rose fragrance wafted through the air and into their noses.

On top of that, two dragons had also been carved on the outside, which seemed to come to life under the gentle glow of candlelight.

Realizing how excited Avery was, Cayden couldn't help but laugh. “It's my first time knowing the Winter Light Festival can be this much fun.”

In the past, he had spent every Winter Light Festival toiling away at work.

He'd meet up with friends for a couple of drinks if he wanted to wind down, but it was never as relaxing as it was with Avery now.

Grinning from ear to ear, Avery balanced the candle in one hand and held Cayden's hand with the other. “Winter Light Festival has a history of more than two thousand years. Like many other festivals, its traditions were passed down from generation to generation. Honestly, though, I think people in the olden days invented these festivals because life was too monotonous. That way, they could spend their free time planning the celebrations and having fun as they went along. If even people in the past knew the importance of enjoying life, why shouldn't we do the same?”

Avery, without a doubt, was beautiful.

When she smiled, there was an indescribable charm about her that might even prompt one to say she was irresistibly seductive.

Just then, Cayden turned to look at Avery and suddenly recalled the day he first noticed her.

Back then, Cayden's class had been busy with an event, while Avery's class did physical education. Even though her classmates were all laughing and running about on the field, she was leaning quietly against a tree and seemed absorbed in her thoughts.

From where Cayden was standing, he had a good view of her pretty and demure side profile.

After a while, her classmates said something to her, which caused her to break into a smile.

Cayden couldn't forget how pure and innocent that smile was and how it had melted his heart.

It was also then that he knew Avery must have a great personality.

Thankfully, his assumption was correct. After interacting with Avery, he was pleased to find out she was a kind and gentle soul, and her touch could warm even the coldest of hearts.

Now that he was finally with the girl he had had a crush on since his youth, Cayden felt nothing but a sense of contentment. He looped an arm around Avery and continued walking down the streets.

Along the way, Cayden bought several snacks for Avery while ensuring to keep the junk food away from her. After all, she was pregnant, and getting good nutrition was important.

When the couple walked past a beautiful arch bridge, Cayden decided to take Avery on a river cruise.

He even went to the extent of renting the entire boat because he had never been fond of crowds.

At the same time, he also wanted to protect Avery and the baby from being jostled around.

Needless to say, many tourists were irked by Cayden's high-handedness. However, the fact that he could pay several times the original price also drew some envious stares from them. They could tell Cayden wasn't one to be messed with, especially after seeing his branded clothes and a watch that was worth millions. Left with no other choice, the tourists begrudgingly held their tongues as they watched the couple board the boat.

Soon, the river cruise began.

Avery promptly sat on one of the deck chairs and leaned into Cayden's embrace. “You shouldn't have rented the entire boat,” she suddenly said, frowning as she looked up at the stars in the sky. “There are only three or four boats for the river cruise service... I'm sure your actions have pissed off the other tourists.”

Unfazed, Cayden casually played with Avery's hair. “Well, it's inconvenient with so many people around. Some like it quiet, while others prefer a bit of rowdiness. Who knows if accidents might happen during the cruise? Your safety is my priority, so I'll do whatever it takes to protect you. Besides, it's more peaceful with only the two of us on this boat.”

Avery said nothing more, but it was clear that Cayden's actions had melted her heart into a puddle.

The boat cruised at a decent speed, allowing Avery to admire the candlelit streets.

From afar, the string of yellow lights resembled shooting stars, and it was such a gorgeous sight that it took Avery's breath away.

To top it all off, people on the opposite bank had begun setting off fireworks, and being in the middle of the river meant that Cayden and Avery had the best view in town. Not only could they see the magnificent display in the sky, but they could also hear the crackle and fizz of the fireworks.

Everything felt like a dream, yet at the same time, Avery was acutely aware that she was smack-dab in the middle of a beautiful, bustling city, and she was holding on to Cayden's strong hand.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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