Avery didn't know if her mood swings were due to her pregnancy, but she found herself being exceptionally irritable last night.

That inexplicable feeling of irritability came without warning and didn't subside even with Cayden by her side.

However, seeing the three of them having a sweet moment together made her feel as though she had been saved from all that depression and dread.

Avery felt a little bad when she glanced at her watch and saw that it was already ten in the morning.

Cayden and the kids are waiting for me to make them breakfast, and yet, I've slept till ten...

Rory was quick to spot Avery and called out to her, “Mommy is awake!” She tossed aside her paintbrush, ran up to Avery, and rubbed her hand on Avery's tummy. “Hi, little guy! I'm your sister, Rory! Were you a good boy in Mommy's tummy last night?”

Speaking to the baby in Avery's tummy every morning had become a habit for Rory.

While she was still uncertain about the baby's gender, Zachary had been convincing her Avery was pregnant with a baby boy.

Avery's heart melted when she saw how cute Rory was.

She bent over to hug Rory and kissed her on the forehead. “Yes, Rory. He has been behaving himself very well, just like you.”

Rory asked softly, “When will he be born, Mommy? I really want to play with him!”

Avery rubbed her tummy and said with a gentle smile, “The baby will be born after a few more months.”

After chatting for a bit, Avery suddenly remembered that she hadn't made breakfast. “I'll go make breakfast right away!”

Cayden flashed her an affectionate look as he said, “I ordered us a meal. We were waiting for you to wake up before we have breakfast. Don't worry. They've had some bread and milk earlier. I'm not going to let them go hungry.”

Avery breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that.

For some reason, she had been sleeping in a lot more than she used to.

Avery was concerned about it affecting her work. She couldn't bring herself to stay home throughout her entire pregnancy while waiting for the baby to be born.

After all, she would probably go crazy from boredom before her baby was due.

Although many would dream of living the comfortable life of being a stay-at-home wife, it was most certainly not for Avery.

The deliveryman brought them breakfast about ten minutes later.

It was very scrumptious with oatmeal, sandwiches, cookies, omelets, yogurts, and two big containers of fresh fruits. All of those food items were suitable for pregnant women.

At the table, Cayden helped Avery peel the eggs and topped up her plate with food every few minutes. Fearing that the oatmeal was too hot for her, he even helped cool it down a little by blowing on it.

The two kids rolled their eyes at him when they saw how much he spoiled Avery.

This is unfair! Daddy never treated us as well as he treats Mommy! She's so lucky!

Avery felt a little awkward when she saw their responses.

Cayden had been taking extra good care of her ever since she got pregnant. In fact, he was practically looking after her as though she was a child. While Avery found it a little strange at first, she gradually got used to it after some time.

After breakfast, the two kids were playing some games while Avery was scrolling through her social media feed on the couch.

It wasn't until she saw Cecelia's post on Instagram that she found out about her bad haircut.

Cecelia had wanted to give her hair a wavy curl at the ends, but the hairdresser messed it all up. Cecelia later posted a picture of her new hairstyle with a crying emoji on Instagram.

Avery burst out laughing when she saw Cecelia's hilarious hairstyle. Just to add insult to injury, Avery gave her a like on that post.

A few seconds later, Cecelia sent her an angry emoji in response.

Avery chuckled in amusement as she continued scrolling through Instagram.

A few moments later, she came across Nina's post of her in a group picture with a bunch of adorable kids.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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