As she spoke, indignant tears began rolling down her cheeks.

They fell noiselessly. Her forlornness made her look as if she had been cast aside by the world.

It was a tactic she often used when she wanted something. Although she had used it dozens of times, it remained effective against Claire, who would do anything to satisfy her at the first sign of tears.

This time, however, Claire sighed heavily.

Grabbing a piece of tissue, she wiped her daughter's tears kindly. “Trust me, Nickie. You have no future with Cayden, and it's immoral to steal somebody else's man. Life is short, and finding someone who loves you is your utmost priority. You may not understand it now, but you will. Good girl, don't overthink it. I'll make you some ribs.”

Nicole's heart turned cold.

She could not believe that her previously infallible gambit had ceased to work. Her tears stopped falling.

Nicole's cold glare was laced with a layer of resentment.

She claims to love me, but she won't even help me get the man I desire. A mixture of frustration, indignity, melancholy, and grief swirled within her.

I knew it. She isn't my birth mother. She won't even help fight for my happiness.

At that moment, all traces of Claire's love vanished from Nicole's memory as her resentment toward the former grew. Even the anger toward Avery she projected onto Claire.

In a flash of rage, Nicole saw Avery's face in the lettuce she held, and her eyes seared with hatred.

She recklessly plucked the leaves, turning the lettuce into shredded fragments.

Cayden is mine, Avery. Nobody can have him!

Upon noticing Nicole's restlessness and the fate of the poor head of lettuce in her hands, Claire pushed Nicole out of the kitchen with a sad shake of her head. “I can handle the cooking, Nickie. Go get some rest.”

Nicole did not bother with her charade any longer. Murmuring an excuse of returning to her room to peruse her script, she left.

Claire gazed at the pathetic remnants of the lettuce in the basin and sighed helplessly.

Nickie would do anything except cook. This is probably the first time she helped in the kitchen. I have spoiled her, but she's the only child I have. I would do everything for her.

Upon returning home, Cayden retired to his study for work while Avery tucked herself into bed for some rest after a quick wash-up.

Although her body ached with exhaustion, she was, for some reason, not sleepy at all.

Perhaps she was too excited about the fact that she would be getting married on the first of May.

Avery located her three-person chat group on WhatsApp and began writing to Cecelia and Nina.

Unsure if they were online, she began with a message to the group: I have some good news, girls. I'm getting married on the first of May!

Avery's news struck her friends with the force of a bomb. The quiet group instantly livened up.

Cecelia was the first to come online. She wrote: My God, that's quick! Did Mr. Moore propose to you, Ery?

Nina followed up: Oh my goodness, that's wonderful! I'm just sorry that I missed witnessing Mr. Moore's proposal. You must let me be your bridesmaid, Ery. I will witness you tying the knot.

Before Avery could reply, Cecelia sent another message: I'm guessing it's that quick because something is up with Ery. Am I right? Be honest with us. Are you and Mr. Moore having a shotgun wedding?

Avery was rendered speechless.

Do you have to be so sharp, Cecelia?

Instead of responding to Cecelia's question, she sent them a voice message. “Cecelia, Nina, will you both be my bridesmaids?”

Cecelia sent an aggrieved-looking emoji before replying with a voice message. “Oh, Ery, I will be at your wedding, but wouldn't it be improper for me to be a bridesmaid? I'm pregnant, you know. It would be humiliating if I couldn't even fit into the bridesmaid dress!”

Nina replied, “You could just wear an extra large dress, then, Cecelia. I saw a large girl getting married at the church the other day, and you're half her size. Don't worry.”

All three members of the WhatsApp group chat basked in the happiness of one another.

The trio chatted until Cecelia announced, “Forgive me, girls. I'm at a baby's clothing store shopping for clothes for my future child. We'll talk again soon! Come visit me when you have the time, Ery.”

Standing in a branded clothing store for toddlers, Cecelia slipped her phone into her pocket. The radiant smile on her lips made it seem as if she was the one getting married.

Admiring her radiant smile, the retail assistants assumed she was messaging her husband.

One young salesgirl gushed, “Are you texting your husband, Miss? What a lovely relationship you share!”

With a slight jolt, Cecelia surmised that the girl had misunderstood, but she did not offer any explanation for fear of further confusing the matter.

Instead, she asked merrily, “Could you recommend some clothing for newborn babies? I would like two sets each, for a boy and a girl.”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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