Avery kept her composure as she stared at Bonnie, her gentle gaze now cold and unfeeling.

After taking a sip of milk, she finally spoke up. “I don't know who you are, miss. You might have a crush on Cayden or a history with him, but none of that matters. I will never leave him unless he tells me to. In addition, may I also know what right you have to order me to stay away from him?”

Bonnie froze as she narrowed her eyes and scrutinized the unfazed woman before her.

Avery might look innocent and meek, but her words were sharp and hit where it hurt most. Now that Bonnie knew the former wasn't to be underestimated, she couldn't help but feel a hint of desperation.

A while later, Bonnie puffed out a smoke ring and unceremoniously shoved the dessert on the table into her mouth. “Mmm, not bad. This caramel pudding's pretty tasty.”

Avery, on the contrary, had lost her appetite from the second Bonnie showed up.

She stood up, graceful as ever, and looked down at the latter condescendingly. “Enjoy the desserts if you like them so much. I'm taking my leave.”

It's just my luck to have met this raving lunatic!

By then, it was the evening peak hours, and many customers had flocked into the dessert shop. Thankfully, Avery had chosen a table in a secluded corner of the shop, which offered her ample privacy from prying eyes.

As such, no one else paid much attention to the two women.

Just as Avery was about to leave with her bag, Bonnie suddenly stuck a leg out to block her.

“What's the matter? Are you feeling guilty? Is that why you don't have the guts to talk to me face-to-face?” she scoffed. “Women like you often try to get men who are way out of your league. Honestly, you should take a good look at yourself in the mirror. What makes you think you're worthy of Cayden?”

Avery curled her lips into a wintry smile as she stared at Bonnie. “So what if Cayden's out of my league? I still managed to snag him, didn't I? You, however, might not even be qualified to get that far. Come to think of it, doesn't that mean you're inferior to me?”

Shocked that she had been ridiculed, Bonnie felt her smile freeze. She had never expected Avery to be so stubborn and knew it was time to show her true colors.

“Stop being such a snob, Avery. Leave Cayden if you know what's good for you. Otherwise, I'll send this to the Department of Justice!” Bonnie warned as she waved a disk in her hand.

An ominous feeling instantly washed over Avery.

She tried to grab the disk, but to her surprise, Bonnie pulled away on purpose.

With the disk still between her index and middle fingers, the latter blew out another smoke ring at Avery. “The contents of this disk are about Cayden, and I'm sure you'd find it all very interesting... By the way, Ms. Rumpley, I've made more than one copy of this disk! You have until the first of May to leave Cayden, which is two months from now. If you don't, I'll hand the disk over to the authorities, and I can assure you that the consequences will be dire.”

With that, Bonnie threw the disk onto the table and strutted smugly out of the shop.

Stunned, Avery picked up the disk and zoned out for several seconds before putting it in her bag.

Her mood for desserts was long gone, only to be replaced by waves of panic and fear.

Who on earth is that woman? Why is she forcing me to leave Cayden? Is she his admirer, or is she following someone else's instructions? More importantly, what secrets does the disk hold that makes the woman so confident I'll leave Cayden of my own accord? Oh, gosh. I have so many questions but no answers... My head feels like it's about to explode!

Just as Avery was feeling lost and vexed, Cayden showed up.

Impeccably dressed in a tailored suit and exquisite leather shoes, the latter walked in with long, graceful strides. Even his blue tie and white shirt were nothing short of pure elegance, making him seem all the more mature and dignified. Naturally, many customers in the dessert shop couldn't help but steal adoring glances at him.

Avery, who had always been quiet and reserved in front of Cayden, leaped into his arms as soon as she saw him.

“Cayden...” she choked out, still upset by what Bonnie had said earlier.

Cayden hugged her tight as he nuzzled his chin into Avery's hair. A while later, he lowered his head and gently kissed her forehead. “What's the matter? Are the desserts here not to your liking? If that's the case, let's not patronize this shop anymore. Or... Are you unhappy with their customer service?”

Upon seeing Avery's distressed look, Cayden was sure she had gotten bullied by the shop staff and instantly turned grim.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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