Chapter 491 The Title

Wisteria hung out at the ward for some time.

However, the way Cayden pampered Avery made Wisteria find the air there to be suffocating.

In the end, she suppressed the jealousy and hatred in her heart and left.

When she was gone, Cecelia, Trevor, Nina, and the other colleagues came with gifts.

They greeted Cayden and asked Avery how she was feeling.

However, they could not relax because Cayden's presence was too powerful.

Realizing his presence was making his subordinates feel awkward, he left the room on the pretext of heading outside to smoke, giving Avery and her colleagues some privacy.

“How did you get into an accident all of a sudden? This looks serious.” Nina took Avery's hand and gazed at the thick cast around the latter's leg, filled with worry.

“It was just an accident. I got hit by a car when I was crossing a crossroad. I'm fine now. Don't worry.” Avery watered down the horrifying accident, sparing them the details to not make them worry.

Cecelia was already six months pregnant with twins. Thus, her stomach was extremely big, and she wobbled unsteadily when she walked.

Holding her waist, she said solemnly, “You have to be very careful when you're crossing the road. Times are different now. There are many cars out there. You could get into an accident if you don't pay attention even just for a little while. I'm going to be giving birth in three months, yet you're admitted to the hospital earlier than I am. Just exactly which blind idiot drove so carelessly?”

“Cecelia, please sit down and get some rest. You shouldn't give your babies any stress,” said Avery when she saw Cecelia's huge belly. She was worried the latter would get tired from standing too long.

Indeed, Cecelia was exhausted from all the standing with her big belly. Hence, she took Avery's advice and sat down.

She did not rest even after sitting down. In fact, she began peeling an apple for Avery. “It'll take at least three months for your muscles and bones to recover. Basically, you won't be able to move these days. So, rest well, and let me handle your unfinished work.”

Trevor could not help but chuckle. “Cecelia, you're such a workaholic. Why are you working so hard when you're pregnant? You should find yourself a good man and marry him. That way, you don't have to work so hard.”

Cecelia glared at him. “Why do I need a man when I'm capable of earning money on my own? Most men are unreliable. At first, they'll listen to everything you say and say all kinds of sweet nothings. Then, they'll change in the blink of an eye. Once he finds a woman better than the current one, he'll abandon the latter without hesitance. He'll treat the new woman the same as he treated his ex. Pfft. I'd rather work hard and improve myself rather than pin my future on a man.”

Avery agreed with Cecelia's words. “Cecelia's right. That's how life is. It won't have mercy on us just because we're women. Only by being independent can we be capable and have a steady income. We work hard not to be rich, but to live a dignified and confident life.”

Smiling, Trevor clapped for them and joked, “All right, all right. The capable beauties in our company have rendered me speechless. Looks like I've got to work harder or I'll be surpassed by women who not only look good but also have the brains. It's a pity for you, though, Avery. You're so capable, and I wanted to work with you on the renovation project. Now that you're injured, I bet you'll need to recuperate for a long time.”

Caressing the cast on her right leg, Avery said, “Life is unpredictable, but it's all right. I can still work online even when I'm resting at home. We can get on a call anytime if any problem arises.”

Nina handed Avery the grapefruit she finished peeling and said, “You should focus on recuperating at home. Are you planning to be like Cecelia, who intends to be an iron lady?”

Before Avery could even respond, Cecelia clicked her tongue. “What's so bad about being an iron lady? I think Ery has the potential to become one. She's smart and ambitious. Most importantly, she has superb talent in design. I believe she'll get promoted faster than all of us here.”

Avery chuckled, revealing her neat rows of teeth. “I just want to do my job well. I don't have other plans for now. Oh, I have good news for all of you today. I'm three months pregnant.”

The news stunned everyone.

Nina was the first to shriek. She grabbed Avery's shoulder, her eyes filled with disbelief. “Avery, when did this happen? Why didn't you tell us? Boy, you are something. I can't believe you kept this secret so well!”

Cecelia put down the apple she was peeling and stared blankly at Avery's belly. “Wow. This child is lucky for being safe even after going through such a serious accident. He or she must be a luck bringer in the future. Congratulations, Ery. It's a great feeling to be a mom. Oh, looks like my baby will have a playmate once yours is born.”

As a man, Trevor was not as sentimental as the other female colleagues. Still, he congratulated Avery.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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