Chapter 538 A Taste Of Your Own Medicine

Suddenly, a sharp dagger was pressed against Nicole's cheek.

She tightened her grip on the corner of her clothes and shudder.

Suppressing her fear, she stuttered, “C-Cayden, what are you doing? It's dangerous to hold a knife like that. C-Can you please take it away...”

The man was still as handsome as ever and could easily command everyone's attention, but when he looked at her, his eyes were filled with hatred and disgust.

Tears started welling up in Nicole's eyes, and she felt a sharp pain sensation as if someone had pricked her heart with a needle.

The idea that Cayden held such animosity toward her was too much for her to handle.

While Nicole had grown accustomed to his apathetic demeanor toward her, the fact that he harbored hatred and disgust toward her was something that Nicole found unbearable.

“You're scared, huh? I thought you were fearless, Ms. Lambert. When you attempted suicide publicly in front of the media, why didn't you make deeper cuts on your wrist? The show you put on was utterly nauseating! Nicole Lambert, I turned a blind eye to all your wicked ways because of Mr. William, but I didn't expect you to have the audacity to target Avery repeatedly. Are you tired of living?” Cayden gently waved the dagger near her cheek, causing a sharp, burning pain to shoot through her facial muscles.

Nicole was paralyzed with fear, not daring to even flinch. She was afraid that the knife would slice her cheek and ruin her stunning appearance.

“Cayden, I have no idea what you're talking about. Ms. Rumpley might be my love rival, and I know you love her very much, but I swear I've never intentionally harmed her in any way even though I might have said things to provoke her. All the mishaps that happened to her have nothing to do with me...” Nicole could not stop shivering, but she outright denied her involvement in all the incidents.

She thought if she remained tight-lipped and denied any wrongdoing, Cayden might not treat her harshly out of respect for her parents.

However, if she were to tell the truth, given Cayden's vindictive nature, she felt it would be difficult to escape his punishment.

“You still refuse to admit what you've done, huh?” Cayden sneered, his voice full of hostility. “Yes, you didn't do it yourself because you're the mastermind who ordered others to dump venomous snakes into the mansion on Mount Loang!”

With a slight twist of the dagger in his hand, Cayden cut off half of Nicole's lustrous black hair.

The moment the loose strands fell onto her face, chest, and thighs, she shrieked uncontrollably once again.

She feared that he would target her face next and ruin her beauty.

“It wasn't me, Cayden. It really wasn't me. You can't simply accuse me without any evidence. What mansion on Mount Loang? What venomous snake? I don't know what you're talking about...” Nicole was a talented actress who could easily manipulate her emotions.

Despite trembling in fear, she did not forget to put on a show to fervently clear herself of guilt.

Yet, to Cayden, her cowardly and unappealing behavior only intensified his disgust.

“Do you think I'll bring you here without evidence?” Cayden tossed a stack of photos at her.

One after another, those photos drifted down and landed on the uneven concrete floor.

Nicole could not believe her eyes when she saw those photos.

Among the photos were those of the pesticide dealer caught by the cops and henchmen sent by Roderick to release venomous snakes and even pictures of her and Roderick engaging in sexual acts.

“I never would have guessed that you, Ms. Lambert, were such a free spirit. You give off an air of sophistication and class, yet you lead such a promiscuous private life. You even took pictures of yourself engaging in lewd acts with a man. I wonder how the media would react if I were to release these photos. You have such a captivating charm that even Mr. Fuller was under your spell and willing to participate in your malicious schemes. Do you think your adoptive parents would still be proud of you knowing that they raised such a cunning and vicious daughter?” Cayden sneered in a cold tone.

Nicole was utterly dumbstruck. H-How did this happen? Roderick has always been reliable in handling things, and he never leaves any trace behind. How did Cayden manage to catch him in such a short time?

What shocked her the most was Cayden actually had photos of her and Roderick engaging in intimate acts.

If he were to release those pictures to the public, her career in the entertainment industry would be over.

Nicole recalled a scandal from about ten years ago in the entertainment industry when nude photos were leaked.

As soon as the private lives of those female celebrities, known for their sweet and innocent personas, were exposed, they instantly fell from grace.

Since then, their careers plummeted, and they never had a chance to make a comeback.

Although a decade had passed, those female celebrities and the scandal they were involved in remain a hot topic among netizens.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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