Chapter 542 The Child Of Claire

Yara and Allie conspired to replace Claire's healthy and beautiful daughter with a stillborn child born to a random local girl.

Claire was utterly devastated when she woke up to find out she had given birth to a stillborn baby due to her difficult childbirth. Her pale face was filled with despair as she held the stillborn baby tightly and refused to let go of it.

Afterward, she would cry her eyes out every day.

She blamed herself for failing to protect her child.

Yara felt bad when she saw Claire living her life aimlessly, but she was blinded by her personal benefits. Since she had already committed the act, she had no choice but to go along with it. She knew she had to stop feeling bad for Claire.

In fact, Yara even forced herself to show sympathy and urge Claire to let go of the incident, saying that Claire was healthy enough to conceive again.

However, that was a lie. Yara knew that it would be difficult for Claire to get pregnant again after the difficult childbirth she had gone through.

After the incident, Allie kept her promise by giving Yara a fortune and sending Yara abroad.

At first, Yara was worried about getting exposed. She lived her life in fear. However, upon arriving in a foreign country, she quickly fell in love with her exciting and blissful life. She had her fair share of fun for a while because everything seemed to have been kept under wraps in her home country.

Having spent a period of time in the foreign country, Yara couldn't help realizing the fact that the grass wasn't greener on the other side. Her life abroad wasn't as wonderful as she had thought it would be.

Racism in the country she was in was rampant, and she, being an Aplothian, was heavily discriminated against.

Nevertheless, Yara knew there was no turning back because she had already accepted Allie's money, and Allie had dirt on her.

Allie had even threatened to destroy Yara's reputation if she ever caught Yara returning to the country. If that were to happen, Yara would have her medical license revoked.

Yara used the money Allie had given to her as a start-up capital for a clinic.

Her clinic was doing all right financially, and she even married a Chanaean shortly after. All in all, her life was neither good nor bad.

As Yara grew older, however, she began missing her home country. She wanted to get her parents to stay permanently in the country she was in, but her parents couldn't get used to the lifestyle there. They would leave in a hurry every time they went over to visit her.

Yara felt extremely helpless at that time.

She wanted to return to her home and take care of her parents, but she couldn't do it openly. She had to sneak around whenever she visited her parents.

Yara felt extremely helpless at that time.

She wanted to return to her home and take care of her parents, but she couldn't do it openly. She had to sneak around whenever she visited her parents.

Unfortunately, Yara was caught red-handed by Allie the moment she returned this time.

With her memories came rushing back into her mind, Yara sighed heavily and asked in a curious tone, “Where is Claire's child now? Is she still alive, or did you kill the child?”

After all these years, although Yara had been living abroad, she had been deeply troubled by what she had done to Claire. In fact, Yara would even have nightmares about it.

In her nightmares, a madwoman would always chase after her and ask for a child from her. Naturally, that prevented her from ever having peace of mind.

“Why are you pretending to care about the child now? Save your pretentious act! You weren't this merciful when you took my money and replaced Claire's daughter with a stillborn child back then!” Allie sneered.

Yara saw red when she heard that and argued, “I know I was greedy, and I committed a heartless act. However, you're just as evil! You were so close to Claire, but all you thought about was swapping her daughter with a stillborn child! When Claire was blaming herself for losing her daughter, you were even comforting her. What did Claire ever do wrong to deserve such an evil friend like you?”

“What did you say?” Allie was infuriated, and she raised her palm into the air.

Yara, who was a strong woman, grabbed Allie's hand and said, “What's the matter? Are you mad? You didn't tell me why you swapped Claire's child, but I knew why. You were jealous because Claire was prettier than you, and she married a handsome and rich man. You couldn't stand seeing her living a happier life than you, so you took her child away.”

Allie wanted to slap Yara because Yara was spot-on. However, Yara was a lot taller and stronger than her, so she wasn't Yara's match.

Upon checking her surroundings and seeing others walking toward them, Allie suddenly realized they weren't supposed to discuss the matter publicly.

She suppressed her anger and said to Yara, “We shouldn't be talking here. Let's go somewhere else to talk.”

With that, Allie put on her sunglasses and led Yara away from the scene nonchalantly.

Silvia rubbed her eyes because she couldn't believe what she had seen.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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