Chapter 549 Impatience

Over at Trident Group, Avery was having a great day.

Her life had been wonderful lately. Both her work and personal life had been going perfectly.

She and Cayden discussed and agreed that they would go to City Hall to register their marriage by the end of the month.

The thought of officially becoming Cayden's wife made Avery feel like she was on cloud nine.

Although she was ostensibly participating in the weekly meeting of the design department, her mind wandered off as she imagined Cayden and herself at City Hall signing their marriage certificate.

“Ms. Rumpley...” Wisteria's cold voice echoed around the conference room, rudely piercing through her daydream.

Wisteria glared at Avery in displeasure. It was obvious to her that Avery was thinking of something completely unrelated to work. A look of dissatisfaction and disgust crossed her face briefly.

Nina pinched Avery's thigh to get her attention.

The latter immediately snapped back to her senses.

All the faces along the long conference table were turned toward her, staring unblinkingly. Even Cayden, who was seated at the head of the table, was watching her.

Avery tucked her hair behind her ears self-consciously and straightened in her seat. “Ms. Summers, please carry on.”

Avery sneaked a glance at Cayden. He was sitting perfectly upright and wore a rather stern expression. In public, he seemed cool and detached. It was the complete opposite of the passionate man that he was in bed. It was as if he was two different people.

Cayden did not really need to show up at the design department's weekly meetings. However, since it was the end of the month and the reports of the progress of the joint venture between Trident Group and Vivi Group and various other branches needed to be reported, coupled with Cayden's famously enigmatic personality, it was no surprise that he was suddenly present at the meeting.

All the employees of Trident Group were aware of the intimate relationship between their boss and Avery. Although they had never outwardly spoken their mind, all her colleagues looked at Avery with cynical eyes, especially her female colleagues, who were undoubtedly envious of her position.

At the same time, the employees all secretly mocked Wisteria, who had once thought that she would become Cayden's wife.


and gleeful delight at her disappointment

flooded her

swallowed nervously, unsure of what to say

be very focused. It must be because you didn't get enough rest last night, right? You're pregnant now. Pregnant women are delicate and easily tired. You should rest more. If this is too difficult for you, you should apply for a long leave from work so that you wouldn't slow down our operations. At the same time,

sincere expression and that her every word seemed to be in Avery's best interest, Avery could see that Wisteria's smile

for being weak while pregnant and delaying

throughout the conference room. “Don't worry. She rested well last night, but she had to prepare for her Certified Professional Constructor exam

Everyone was taken aback.

expected him to defend Avery so

sleep last night! Does this mean he spent last

he had done to her the previous night, and she


image turned Avery's cheeks even

was wearing a conservative black suit designed especially for pregnant

had changed her body, and the white shirt under her blazer was stretched a little tight. The buttons on her chest looked as

of need and impatience suddenly overtook

a deep gulp of his coffee to quell the passionate flame burning in his chest and made a mental note to order

embarrassment descended

in such a public setting made

concealed her emotions well, and no one could read her expression

on for more than half an hour as each employee took turns

meeting, Wisteria made another brief summary. Then, upon receiving the signal from Cayden, she breathed a sigh of relief and dismissed everyone. “Okay, everyone, the meeting

design department quickly packed up their files, got up from their seats, and left

busy, especially those in the design

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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