Chapter 554 The Suggestiveness Sparked Speculation

As Avery was sitting for an examination the next day, Alina woke up at the crack of dawn and prepared breakfast for her. It was not until Avery had finished eating that she had the driver send the latter to the exam hall.

Avery was given the examination venue of a certain well-known School of Economics and Finance.

When she arrived near the examination hall, she saw a crowd there for the examination. The entire place was packed, making for an impressive sight.

However, the majority of those sitting for the examination this time were males, and there were relatively fewer females.

The examination would be starting soon, and many of the examinees were reviewing with papers in their hands. Regardless of whether they were reinforcing information they had studied or doing last-minute cramming, they all looked exceedingly diligent.

That had always been the norm for examinations.

Since there were a lot of examinees, the driver, Jake, feared something would befall Avery if she were alone. As such, he first parked the car at the parking lot before accompanying Avery to the exam hall.

After all, the lesson from the car accident previously was too painful, and no one around Cayden dared to be careless anymore.

Right then, many examinees were crowded in front of the bulletin board at the entrance of the exam hall, checking the location of the building and room assigned to them for the examination.

Avery was assigned to Room 302 on the third floor of Block D.

Jake led Avery to a shady place with few people before urging, “Wait for me here for a while, Mrs. Moore. I'll go and have a look at the location of your exam hall. There are too many people here, so don't roam around to prevent any accidents. I'll be back in a jiffy.”

“Sure, thank you,” Avery replied.

It was tiring for her to stand for a long time since she was pregnant.

Therefore, when she spotted a medium-sized stone bench at the side, she took out a tissue and wiped it before sitting down.

Then, she also took out a book from her bag and skimmed over some important points.

Subsequently, she diligently reviewed the summary Cayden wrote for her.

While she was all focused on studying, a crisp and sweet female voice rang out. “Hello, nice to meet you. Are you here to sit for the exam as well?”

Avery snapped her head up in surprise, only to be greeted by the sight of a long-haired girl in trendy clothes looking at her smilingly with a book in hand.

The girl had a delicate face, looking incredibly sweet as she smiled. She gave off a sense of being harmless and friendly.

Out of courtesy, Avery replied with a smile, “Nice to meet you. I'm also here to sit for the exam.”

“I'm Evangeline Gellana, and this is my first time sitting for the exam.” After introducing herself, the girl arbitrarily sat down beside Avery. Gaping at her in amazement, she exclaimed, “You're an expectant mother at such a young age? You don't look that old. Did you get married as soon as you graduated? And is this your first time sitting for the Certified Professional Constructor exam?”

She was just like a chatterbox, her series of questions overwhelming Avery.

Some of the questions infringed on her privacy, so Avery ignored them, merely murmuring gently, “I'm Avery Rumpley, and this is also my first time sitting for the exam.”

The girl known as Evangeline glimpsed the paper in Avery's hand.

She casually swept a gaze over it, only to be suddenly blown away. Blinking, she again asked in surprise, “Is this the pre-exam information you compiled? Your writing is beautiful, and the content you summarized is really detailed... Oh, there are even notes on questions examinees are prone to answer wrongly? Wow! I find your summary even better than the educational material itself. Can I have a look at it?”

At the request, Avery wavered for a moment.

Clocking the anticipation in the eyes of the overly-friendly girl, she caved in and handed her a piece of the two-page information written by Cayden. “Here.”

Evangeline happily took the summary and thanked her before reading it seriously.

A little over ten minutes later, Jake sprinted back with sweat dotting his forehead.

He did not expect the sheer number of examinees before the bulletin board, and he almost suffocated amidst them.

I'm a man, but even I find it found it beyond challenging to squeeze my way in and out of that crowd. It would've been worse for Avery, who's pregnant!

Right that instant, he was glad that he had accompanied Avery there for the examination.

Otherwise, there would certainly have been some accident if she had come to the exam hall alone.

If that were to happen, he could never escape from bearing the blame.

“I saw the location of your exam hall, Mrs. Moore...” Jake, who trotted over, trailed off upon seeing that a young and beautiful girl was sitting beside Avery.

Scratching his head, he could not help asking in puzzlement, “Who is this, Mrs. Moore?”

“Thank you.” Avery flipped the book closed. She took out a bottle of mineral water from her bag before handing it to him. “Have some water to quench your thirst first. This is a fellow examinee I've just gotten acquainted with. Her name is Evangeline Gellana.”

“Nice to meet you.” Evangeline greeted Jake beamingly. Her big eyes curved into crescents, rendering her very much delightful.

Jake's heartbeat accelerated, and he forced a smile on his average-looking face. “Nice to meet you. I'm Jake Jackson, Mrs. Moore's driver.”

At the man's flustered look, Evangeline clapped a hand over her mouth and giggled. What a silly man!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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