Chapter 570 Fate Is Sealed

Yulissa was aware that Avery was more soft-hearted than Cayden. Considering how much Mr. Moore loves her, if she's willing to plead mercy for me, then I'll still have a chance to escape this predicament. I know I used to act all high and mighty in front of Avery. Moreover, my pride would never have allowed me to lower myself to ask her, someone I look down on, for help. However, I really have no other option but to seek Avery's aid now.

Gazing at Yulissa, Avery coldly stated, “The head of the Department of Education will decide your fate. I have no say in the matter.”

Yulissa was crying so hard that her makeup was ruined, inadvertently making her appear extra miserable. “You must have a way to save me. As long as you're willing to not hold me accountable, forgive me, and ask Mr. Moore to spare me, I'll be forever grateful to you—”

Icily, Avery interrupted, “I think you should better understand your current situation, Ms. Yantz. There are witnesses and evidence that prove you're guilty of your crime. Nothing will change even if I plead leniency for you. Everyone knows the law doesn't show mercy.” Besides, even if I can plead for leniency on her behalf, why should I? She deserves to be punished for her wrongdoing!

The head of the Department of Education nodded before glancing at Cayden's expression, wondering how he should handle the matter to satisfy the latter.

It was apparent to anyone with a sharp eye that Cayden had a special relationship with Avery.

“What will happen to my mother if I'm imprisoned, Avery? She has an operation next month. Someone needs to take care of her! We're both women, so why make things difficult for a fellow ally? Won't you please ask Mr. Moore to spare me, considering how we're colleagues and that I had helped you plenty of times before?” Yulissa stubbornly begged.

Once, she was brilliant like the sun. Yet, she seemed utterly pathetic at that moment, unlike her usual arrogant self in the company.

Nina couldn't watch her act any longer. Thus, she scoffed and exposed Yulissa without hesitation. “You're blatantly going against your conscience by saying that, Ms. Yantz. You'd often trouble Avery in the workplace by assigning her the heaviest workload and asking her to deal with the most difficult clients. Are you seriously going to call that 'helping' her? Oh, I just remembered something. When our company was signing a contract regarding a joint project with Vivi Group, Avery discovered the files on her flash drive were tampered with during her turn to speak. As a result, she was admonished by Vivi Group's chairman. I bet you were responsible for that.”

as she froze for a few seconds. Frantically,

her flickering gaze and unnatural body language betrayed

was a sharp man, so he

at Yulissa and scrutinized her

had a stomachache and asked us to proceed while you went to the toilet. It wasn't until half an hour after the meal started that you showed up. Then, the next day, something was wrong with Avery's flash drive. Your tactic back then was almost identical to the one you pulled off

I barely managed to resolve that awkward situation with my quick wits and my old designs that I just so happened to find when I was searching for the files. Now that I think about it, if Yulissa was really responsible for that matter, then she truly is a terrifying woman! I can't believe she

down her spine when her train of

was not me. I didn't do it...” Yulissa avoided making eye contact with

scrutinizing. Back then, I was too busy with work and was incredibly satisfied with how Avery handled the situation that I didn't ask anyone to investigate the matter, thinking it was merely a mistake on her part. To my surprise, Yulissa

With an elegant yet frigid voice, he commanded, “I don't care how you punish this wicked woman, Mr. Valentine. Just don't let

grin. “Don't worry,

she shook her head in despair. “I was wrong, Mr.

Cayden and Avery to spare her, so much so that her

and intentionally ignored the woman's tears. “If merely saying sorry could erase all sins, the world would be populated with unscrupulous people like you, Ms. Yantz. When you slandered me, did you think about how hurt I'd feel? Time and again, you targeted me because of your personal grudges. My

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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