Chapter 572 Encountering Claire

Saturday arrived in a blink of an eye, and it was time for Avery to attend the checkup at the hospital with Alina.

Cayden was busy, so he couldn't accompany Avery. Still, he asked Jake to drive Avery to the hospital.

Additionally, he asked Avery to take a picture of the examination reports for him.

Just as Avery arrived at the hospital entrance, she received a call from her aunt. “I'm in Room 606. It's at building No. 6. Once you arrive, you can go in directly.”

Avery followed her aunt's direction and headed to her destination. However, when she arrived at the hospital's lawn, she saw Claire in a business suit.

Claire was clutching her chest with a wince and hurrying to the hospital entrance.

Then, she vanished into a corner without spotting Avery.

Avery wanted to greet her but couldn't do it in time.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she wondered why Claire seemed to be in such a hurry. Is she sick? Why isn't anyone by her side? Also, for some reason, every time I see her, I'd experience a strange, pleasant feeling, even though she's Nicole's mother. She told me to leave Cayden in the past, but that somehow doesn't diminish the familiarity I felt toward her.

She shook her head, halting her thoughts, and resumed her journey.

A few minutes later, she arrived at the room her aunt mentioned.

She knocked on the door and went in.

on the bench in

female specialist with glasses examined Alina's mammary

out, your condition will only worsen,” the specialist uttered

grimly touched her chest with tears in

with a smile. “This is my niece that I mentioned to you before, Avery Rumpley. Please give her a checkup today as well. As

and majors in mammography. Currently, she's the doctoral supervisor at Summerbank University's Department of Medicine. She's particularly experienced

stylish Alina, Gigi Larson

wise and refined vibe to

“Nice to meet

to the meek

to be all grown-up and be this beautiful, Alina. You sure hid her well from me. If I knew you had such a gorgeous niece, I would've asked my son to chase after her. Then,

Women who did do that tend to be unlucky. If something bad happens to them, they can't even complain about it to someone. I

said, “I was just kidding with you, Lina. Don't let those negative emotions break into your heart, and stop thinking about all those

aunt had a great relationship with

I heard her mentioning that Aunt Alina's condition would worsen when I came


the truth, Alina interrupted, “My body's fine. I just need to take my medicine daily to control my condition. Please examine Ery's body now,

regained her professionalism

she asked, she recorded the answers on her laptop. It was obvious she was very

carefully examined Avery's mammary gland by hand and discovered zero

is in great condition, Lina.

Alina's worry. “How about you perform an

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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