Chapter 583 Avery Is The Victim

The information mentioned that Allie was the one who accompanied Claire when she gave birth at a clinic.

Cayden paused when he saw that. Then, he flicked to the next page, scanning through the information quickly. The background search recorded every piece of information about what happened twenty years ago in detail.

According to an inside source, Claire had given birth to a premature baby due to exhaustion after rushing around trying to settle some issues. As time was running out for her to arrive at the hospital safely, Claire could only go to an unknown gynecology clinic near her for she was in a remote location. The obstetrician who was in charge of Claire was Yara Lynch. Yara had asked Claire to execute a medical waiver because she was bleeding out.

While the latter was unconscious, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

At that moment, Allie implored Yara to use a dead infant to pose as Claire's daughter by agreeing to give her some monetary compensation.

After that, Yara took the massive sum of cash and left the country while Claire's baby went missing.

Cayden went through the information twice before putting the file down.

No one can keep a secret forever unless they are dead. Even though Xavier spent quite some time gathering all these pieces of information, he discovered everything that I needed to know in the end.

Cayden stood up without a word as he placed his arm on the windowsill, staring at the view outside his office. The sun shone on him, accentuating his tall and majestic figure. He was stunningly gorgeous, and even Xavier was sometimes enthralled by his side profile.

Xavier paused before adding, “Mr. Moore, Mrs. Moore has something to do with this baby-swapping accident.”

overwhelmed Cayden when he thought about the investigation result and how it implicated Allie. He had an abrupt urge to smoke. Turning around, Cayden took his cigarette from

Yara Lynch now?” Cayden

was back in the country a few days ago to visit her relatives, but she has

Moore said to her, but Yara quickly left the country the next day. Oh, right. Mr. Moore, I had a feeling that two influential forces were trying to stop me from investigating this matter while I

of sternness flashed across Cayden's face. “Do you know who are those

daughter of Mr. Lambert, Nicole. The other one is... Mrs.

furiously. That made Xavier realize that Cayden was

mood. It made sense for Nicole to stop Xavier from getting to the truth, but Cayden hadn't expected Allie to be involved. He had always known that Allie was a selfish and vain woman. But the extent she had gone to replace Claire's baby with a dead

Claire only became normal again after adopting Nicole. Mdm. Wright told me Mom, Claire, and her were best friends. There were even photos of them at home, so why

any way, an intelligent man like Cayden guessed that she was the baby who was swapped

to the point of making up lies about Avery and

man as a humiliating experience, so she didn't want to mention that phase of her life at all. So when Allie told Cayden

time, he was immersed in his joy of not being related to Avery that he didn't bother to continue delving into the secret

as long as he was not related to Avery, and he didn't care about anything else. But now, when he

my mind that

address of her current residence. If necessary, you must fly over and follow

those years ago. If Avery was indeed Claire's daughter, and if she wanted to return to Claire's side, Yara must


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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