Chapter 585 Overwhelming Joy

Silvia's words first struck Claire numb with shock. By the time she composed herself and understood the implications of her friend's words, Claire was beside herself with joy.

She forgot her adopted daughter, Nicole, was sitting right beside her. “I-Is that true, Silvia?” Claire's hands were shaking as she continued, “Have you really found my biological daughter? Where is she? Is she doing all right? Is she—”

Silvia cut her off and suggested, “Are you free, Claire? Why don't you come here and see for yourself? Mr. Darnum investigated her identity and background, and he believes she fits all the descriptions. I truly think there's a high chance she's your daughter.”

“Yes, I'm free. I'll be there right away!”

The phone's speaker was loud enough for Nicole to overhear their entire phone conversation. Chills ran down her spine.

She fell into silence on the living room couch. Gone was the sweet smile that was always on her face.

Instead, dread filled her soul. Her right fist subconsciously clenched around a flower stem.

Claire ended the call a while later and noticed a pale Nicole staring at her with tears swimming in her eyes.

She winced when she realized the implications of her words earlier. “Nickie...”

Nicole bit her lip, looking like a harmless doe as she asked, “Mom, has Mdm. Wright found my sister's whereabouts?”

“It's a long story, Nickie. I'll explain everything to you when I come back.”

Claire hugged Nicole and said, “You have no idea how delighted I was when Silvia said she found your older sister. I almost couldn't believe her. I can't imagine how much that poor child had suffered on her own before this. But don't worry, Nickie. You'll always be my beloved daughter, even if your sister's back. In fact, you'll now have a new sister to love you.”

herself. Her mind whirled with a

same blood really that important? Does she not care for our relationship after all these years? How can I still have a place in the Lambert family once her biological daughter comes back? Plus, I've done so many horrible things to Avery in the past, even almost killing her. Once that woman is back and tells her new parents about this, my pure and innocent image will be ruined. The Lamberts would kick me

complexion blanched at the idea

not to reveal her guilt and mustered a smile. “Mom, we haven't heard any news of her for years. How did Mdm. Wright find her so quickly? Doesn't it seem fishy to you? There are so many scammers these days, and I really don't want you to

to see the evidence for myself. What if it's really your sister this time round? Technology is so advanced now. We can just verify her identity through

her entire life to finding her biological daughter and had indeed run into impersonators in the past, yet she never lost hope of their eventual

whenever she heard a new lead about her daughter, Claire would drop everything and throw herself into the search again, no matter how busy

worrying about her. I promise I'll shower my new sister with all the love in the world and help you make up for her years of suffering.” She looked as

girl. I'm sure your sister

the truth, yet her adopted daughter's sensibility was a pleasant surprise. I didn't waste

sneer curved Nicole's lips while

you think I would sit around on my hands when


Silvia in the manager's office, chatting warmly with a girl clad in a long,

in a swivel chair behind a

couple who appeared to be in their fifties

with her

“Ah, you're here. Claire, this is the young woman Mr. Darnum shortlisted, who matches the

the introduction, “Her name is Evangeline Gellana. Her date of birth and family background match the details of your

your review, Mrs. Lambert. A lot of manpower and resources went into this investigation. We've

was utterly relieved to realize the

studied the young woman with a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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