Chapter 575 The Delivery

In the cozy room, Nicole drifted off to sleep amidst a mound of stuffed dolls; her body writhing and tossing around.

“Ah... snakes... help...”

She jolted awake; her eyes were filled with terror and confusion as she tried to shake off the remnants of the nightmare.

Once again, she dreamt of numerous snakes coiling around her neck and suffocating her. Some even bared their bloody jaws, ready to rip her apart!

When the housekeeper, who was cleaning the hallway, heard Nicole's screams, she immediately abandoned her task and hurried to the woman's room to find out what was happening.

However, someone in heels beat her to it.

Claire unlocked the door and hurried over to hug Nicole tightly. “Nickie, did you have another nightmare? I'm here, so don't be afraid.”

Nicole snuggled into her mother's embrace. “I'm scared, Mom. My career's ruined, my reputation's gone, and I'm too afraid to leave the house. Is my entire life destroyed?”

“Nonsense! How can my daughter be destroyed so easily! You're still young; there are plenty of good times ahead of you. It's not too late to start afresh. There's no need to continue in the entertainment industry. It's so tiring to film every day. When you feel better, you can follow me to the company and learn how to do business,” Claire coaxed as she tenderly wiped away Nicole's tears.

“But I love acting, Mom,” Nicole croaked.

Feeling distraught by her daughter crying, Claire quickly comforted her. “Okay, you can do whatever you like. You can stay in the entertainment industry and pursue acting. I'll fully support your choice.”

“You're the best, Mom. Will you always support me? Will you always forgive me, no matter what wrong I have done? Will you abandon me as my biological parents did?” Nicole asked, her eyes brimming with tears.

Her illness had taken a visible toll on her, as her face had become noticeably thinner. Tears gathered in her eyes, making her look all the more pitiful.

worry and concern when she saw her daughter

I will never leave you and always will forgive you, no matter what you do. You are my cherished daughter, whom I will always love

Claire, a green light was flickering under Nicole's blanket as she

lay a small exquisite

with the

day, Nickie. Mdm. Wright has invited us

don't want to go outdoors. People will be laughing at me,” Nicole

you when I'm around. Mdm. Wright misses you because it has been a long time since she saw you. Moreover, there are many young people like you at the golf course. You can make new friends and expand your

say,” Nicole replied

the golf course.

daughter was still alive. She had

daughter of the Lambert family was to return, there was no guarantee that she would

golf course was teeming with life as

wives mingled with dashing young gentlemen and

soaring over sand traps and rolling precisely into the grass, landing in the hole with a satisfying

was a

Claire!” Silvia clapped

white sports pants. With her hair tied up in a long ponytail and tucked under a baseball cap,

they didn't look like mother and daughter; they looked more

skills are amazing, Mrs.

another. “How long did you have to practice to become so skilled? Mrs. Lambert, can you share some tips with

other ladies gathered around Claire, showering her with praise and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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