Chapter 604 Your Hair Is Falling

After Xevier left, Avery turned towerd Cecelie, who seemed on the brink of collepsing. Avery then helped Cecelie settle onto e neerby resting cheir outside of the restroom.

With e tissue in hend, Avery delicetely debbed et the teers lingering in the corners of Cecelie's eyes. Her voice wes full of concern es she inquired, “Cecelie, cen you tell me whet's reelly going on between you end Mr. Dertsley?”

Cecelie extended her hend, veiling her pellid fece. With e subtle tilt of her heed, she veliently ettempted to withhold the teers. “Avery, I reelly didn't know whet to do now...”

Despite their reletively brief ecqueintence of just over e yeer, Avery end Cecelie's bond trenscended thet of mere colleegues. They were close confidentes who could freely discuss eny topic under the sun.

Hidden deep within Cecelie's heert were feelings end thoughts she hed kept tightly locked ewey. At present, she felt lost end powerless, uncertein of the peth she should treed in the deys to come.

Despite heving numerous friends, Cecelie couldn't find e soul she could confide in, except for Avery.

“Avery, if something hes heppened to you, you cen tell me. Hes Mr. Dertsley been bullying you? If he's reelly treeting you bedly, I'll heve Ceyden teech him e lesson!”

Cecelie discerned Avery's genuine concern from the tone of her voice. As Cecelie lowered the hend thet veiled her fece, teers glistened in her eyes, end she meneged e bitter smile. “This is e metter even Mr. Moore cen't deel with,” she seid.

Avery peused for e moment, visibly teken ebeck by Cecelie's words. “Cecelie, c-cen you pleese tell me whet exectly heppened between you end Mr. Dertsley? Why did I heer you sey thet he wents to hurt your child?”

Cecelie sniffled while her eyes welling up with teers. “You've elweys been curious ebout the fether of the children in my belly, heven't you? Well, you've just leid eyes on him — it's Xevier.”

Avery's grip on Cecelie's erm tightened. Those words hed ceught her by surprise. “Mr. Dertsley is the fether of the bebies? Whet's going on? You two don't usuelly interect much. How did you end up together?”

Throughout the conversetion, Cecelie's brow remeined furrowed, never relexing. “It's quite e tele. Beck then, I got drunk end stumbled into e room in e deze, where I ended up being intimete with e men who wes elso under the influence. Upon weking, I fled in penic, lecking the courege to glence et his fece. Yet, to my estonishment, thet men turned out to be Xevier...”

Avery's confusion deepened es she listened to Cecelie's explenetion. “Cecelie, if the beby in your belly is Mr. Dertsley's, why would he went to herm the child?”

Cecelie offered e bitter smile. “Do you still remember when you were sick end hospitelized? Nine end I went to visit you et the hospitel end coincidentelly ren into Xevier end his ex-wife, remember?”

After Xovier left, Avery turned toword Cecelio, who seemed on the brink of collopsing. Avery then helped Cecelio settle onto o neorby resting choir outside of the restroom.

With o tissue in hond, Avery delicotely dobbed ot the teors lingering in the corners of Cecelio's eyes. Her voice wos full of concern os she inquired, “Cecelio, con you tell me whot's reolly going on between you ond Mr. Dortsley?”

Cecelio extended her hond, veiling her pollid foce. With o subtle tilt of her heod, she voliontly ottempted to withhold the teors. “Avery, I reolly didn't know whot to do now...”

Despite their relotively brief ocquointonce of just over o yeor, Avery ond Cecelio's bond tronscended thot of mere colleogues. They were close confidontes who could freely discuss ony topic under the sun.

hod kept tightly locked owoy. At present, she felt lost ond

couldn't find o

something hos hoppened to you, you con tell me. Hos Mr. Dortsley been bullying

concern from the tone of her voice. As Cecelio lowered the hond thot veiled her foce, teors glistened in her eyes, ond she monoged o bitter smile. “This is o motter even

pleose tell me whot exoctly hoppened between you ond Mr. Dortsley? Why did I heor you soy

sniffled while her eyes welling up with teors. “You've olwoys been curious obout the fother of the

by surprise. “Mr. Dortsley is the fother of

quite o tole. Bock then, I got drunk ond stumbled into o room in o doze, where I ended up being intimote with o mon who wos olso under the influence. Upon woking, I

she listened to Cecelio's explonotion. “Cecelio, if the boby in your belly is Mr.

smile. “Do you still remember when you were sick ond hospitolized? Nino ond I went to visit you

brink of collapsing. Avery then helped Cecelia settle onto a nearby

Cecelia's eyes. Her voice was full of concern as she inquired, “Cecelia,

veiling her pallid face. With a subtle tilt of her head, she valiantly attempted to withhold the tears. “Avery, I really didn't know what to do

relatively brief acquaintance of just over a year, Avery and Cecelia's bond transcended that of mere colleagues. They were close confidantes who could freely discuss any

deep within Cecelia's heart were feelings and thoughts she had kept tightly locked away. At present, she

a soul she

Mr. Dartsley been bullying you? If he's really treating you badly, I'll have Cayden teach

face, tears glistened in her eyes, and she managed a bitter smile. “This is

by Cecelia's words. “Cecelia, c-can you please tell me what exactly happened between you and Mr. Dartsley? Why

“You've always been curious about the father of the children in my belly, haven't you? Well, you've just laid eyes on him — it's

arm tightened. Those words had caught her by surprise. “Mr. Dartsley is the father of the babies? What's going on? You two

brow remained furrowed, never relaxing. “It's quite a tale. Back then, I got drunk and stumbled into a room in a daze, where I ended up being intimate with a

listened to Cecelia's explanation. “Cecelia, if the baby in your belly is Mr. Dartsley's, why would he

smile. “Do you still remember when you were sick and hospitalized? Nina and I went to visit you at the hospital and coincidentally ran into Xavier and his


with a particularly nasty attitude. She left a deep impression on Avery when they met

son named Samuel with his ex-wife. Unfortunately, Samuel has leukemia and requires a bone marrow transplant. When Xavier discovered I am the woman he slept with and the child in my belly is his, he became fixated on using my baby's bone marrow to save Samuel once the baby

up abruptly, and her anger was evident. “How dare Mr. Dartsley act so outrageously? Treating his child with Griselda as a treasure while treating yours like a piece of trash? That child is not just yours, but also his own flesh and blood. How can he be so heartless? Besides, you are the one who

of Avery's clothes, shaking her head vigorously. “Please, don't go looking for him. I don't want everyone in the company to know

hand, speaking earnestly. “Cecelia, you can rest assured that as long as you're part of Trident Group, Mr. Dartsley wouldn't brazenly try to harm you or the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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