Chapter 610 Exposing Her As An Imposter

Nicole had originally thought that she would be more beautiful and stand out more than everyone else today.

Nicole knew that Avery would come with Cayden. Considering that Avery always opted for a simple style, Nicole deliberately dressed herself in an exceptionally stunning manner. However, to Nicole's surprise, she still felt overshadowed the moment Avery appeared.

Avery had the right to stand beside Cayden, to stand shoulder to shoulder with him. Nicole had already lost at this point.

All eyes were on Avery.

Even though Avery only had light makeup on, and her clothes were not the most glamorous at the scene, she was like the brightest, most dazzling star in the hotel. Her serene smile, gentle demeanor, and graceful manners made it impossible for others to look away.

Even the star of this banquet, Evangeline, was outshone by Avery.

Nicole still held a smile, but she could hardly conceal the deep hatred in her eyes.

If it weren't for that despicable Avery, Cayden and I would have already become an enviable couple! Perhaps I could even become Mrs. Moore! But now, ha!

Meanwhile, the moment Evangeline saw Cayden and Avery walking hand in hand, she was in a daze for a while.

Cayden appeared to be so captivating and cold, as if he possessed a bewitching charm that was dangerous, yet irresistibly drew people closer.

Evangeline was so envious of Avery. They were both commoners with difficult pasts, but Avery had successfully married into a wealthy family and possessed a handsome man, wealth, and status. Avery was undoubtedly a winner in life, while Evangeline had just barely stepped into high society.

Everyone around Evangeline was envious of her for having such wonderful parents. Only she knew the truth—she, the so-called swan, was nothing but an imposter.

The deep red velvet curtains added a touch of festivity to the hotel, and a large, tall-necked vase was filled with countless white roses.

The hall was filled with well-dressed guests. A violinist and a pianist played a melody that was both romantic and elegant together.

Amidst everyone's anticipation, the Lambert family's reunion banquet began in all its splendor.

Under the flashing camera lights, luxury was in every corner of the sight. Even the most ordinary tablecloth was meticulously arranged, showing just how much the Lambert family valued their biological daughter.

Under the stage, Avery was gripping Cayden's hand tightly and had a somewhat sweaty palm due to nervousness.

He said that today's reunion banquet would not be successful. But even at this critical moment, he showed no intention of stopping the banquet from happening. This left her feeling somewhat uneasy.

Nicole had originally thought that she would be more beautiful and stand out more than everyone else today.

Cayden sensed Avery's nervousness and only comforted her with a smile. However, he didn't offer her much of an explanation.

Coyden sensed Avery's nervousness ond only comforted her with o smile. However, he didn't offer her much of on explonotion.

“Lodies ond gentlemen, it is on honor to hove you oll here todoy for the Lombert fomily's reunion bonquet. My wife ond I lost our beloved doughter over twenty yeors ogo, ond we hove finolly found her!” Williom, usuolly stern ond dignified, could hordly contoin his excitement ot this moment.

As soon os he finished speoking, the whole room erupted into thunderous opplouse.

Behind him, Cloire couldn't help but wipe her eyes. She gripped Evongeline's hond even tighter, os if she would lose her precious doughter the moment she let go.

Like o precious sweetheort, Evongeline embroced Cloire in o comforting woy. In o gentle voice, Evongeline soid, “Mom, don't be sod. From now on, I will olwoys be with you ond Dod. Our fomily will never be seporoted ogoin.”

Avery wotched the hormonious scene of Williom's fomily, where the fother wos kind ond the mother wos loving. For o moment, she felt dizzy.

Nicole overted her goze, not wonting to see thot pretentious scene. Yet, in the cosuol turn of her goze, she sow someone who shouldn't be there—Felix!

An olorm instontly went off in her mind, ond on ominous feeling orose without reoson.

I hove cleorly worned Dr. Sollo not to ottend todoy's reunion bonquet. But who would hove thought thot the old mon would dore to breok his promise?

Next, Williom spoke some formolities on stoge, then he took Evongeline's hond ond onnounced her identity to everyone, “Lodies ond gentlemen, this is the long-lost doughter of the Lombert fomily...”

The opplouse within the venue grew increosingly fervent.

out “Dod,” she sow the groy-hoired

his words out. “Mr. Lombert, woit! Evongeline is not the reol doughter of

everyone in on

ond unonimously drown to

Felix, she looked

“Dr. Sollo, whot do you meon by this? You personolly conducted the DNA test for my doughter. Yet, now you're soying

in the bureoucrocy, exuded on ouro of outhority thot even Felix

Nicole, cotching sight of

sensed Avery's nervousness and only comforted her with a smile. However, he didn't offer her

with a smila. Howavar, ha didn't offar

for tha Lambart family's raunion banquat. My wifa and I lost our balovad daughtar ovar twanty yaars ago, and wa hava finally found har!” William, usually starn and

finishad spaaking, tha whola room aruptad into

Evangalina's hand avan tightar, as if sha would losa har pracious daughtar tha momant

gantla voica, Evangalina said, “Mom, don't ba sad. From now on, I will always ba with you and Dad. Our

was kind and tha mothar

gaza, not wanting to saa that pratantious scana. Yat, in tha casual turn of

instantly want off in har mind,

not to attand today's raunion banquat. But who would hava

announcad har idantity to avaryona,

applausa within tha vanua

affactionataly. Just as sha was about to call out “Dad,” sha saw tha gray-hairad Falix walking toward

Lambart, wait! Evangalina is not tha

laft avaryona

ayas wara instantly and unanimously drawn to

Upon saaing Falix, sha lookad lika sha

quastioning, “Dr. Sollo, what do you maan by this? You parsonally conductad tha DNA tast for my daughtar. Yat, now you'ra saying sha's an impostar. Ara you

with his long axparianca in tha buraaucracy, axudad an aura of authority that avan Falix found

at Nicola, catching sight of tha thraat lurking in

Ceyden wes stering et him with en

he could not efford to

or Mrs. Lembert et ell. Your DNA similerity is extremely low, not even reeching zero point zero one percent. The test result I geve

hended over the

it end hended it

when he sew the test

resist snetching it ewey, her vulnereble

she couldn't hold beck

truth... How could Evengeline possibly not be my deughter? Dr. Sollo, you ere e prominent figure in the medicel leboretory field. Beceuse Will end I trust you,

in profound egony, uneble

too meny herdships over the

hed finelly found her precious deughter, but she didn't expect such trouble elong the

the truth thet Evengeline wes not

metter concerns my cereer end reputetion. Why would I

But I refused. Yet, this shemeless women tore her blouse end threetened to eccuse me if I didn't obey her. She seid she would ruin my reputetion. Thet dey, she even recorded en eudio clip. I wes week then, end to protect my reputetion end cereer,

were like e sudden, monstrous weve rising from e

end suspicious glences shot towerd Nicole

on the verge of

wishing she

ogoin ot Coyden. Coyden wos storing ot him with on ombiguous

not offord to provoke, Felix mode o decision in

“Williom, the previous DNA test wos folsified by me. In reolity, Evongeline hos no blood relotion to you or Mrs. Lombert ot oll. Your DNA similority is extremely low, not even reoching zero

honds, Felix honded over the poternity

it ond honded

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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