Chapter 619 To Have A Powerful Guardian

Driven by jealousy, Griselda hugged the baby tighter.
Driven by jealousy, Griselda hugged the baby tighter.

Griselda's tight grip left the newborn baby struggling for breath, and the latter started crying out loudly once again.

Hearing the child's cries, Cecelia paled even more, and her heart ached.

Ignoring the pain in her body, she struggled desperately on the operating table. Tears poured out as she screamed hysterically, “Griselda, let go of my baby! What have you done to my babies?”

“To play her part, of course. I'm going to get her bone marrow extracted,” Griselda said emotionlessly. Then, in her ten-centimeter stiletto heels, she walked out, cradling the child in her arms.

The child she was holding was the eldest. The baby girl was healthy, her cries loud and clear. However, the baby that came out later was all shriveled up, looking as if she would not last much longer.

What luck. It'll save me the trouble of racking my brains to get rid of that brat.

The thought of Griselda about to extract the baby's bone marrow filled Cecelia with a sense of utter despair.

She shook Xavier's arm desperately with large tears rolling down her cheeks. She pleaded with him in a mournful voice, “Xavier, I beg you. Please save our child. She is your flesh and blood, too. Can you bear to see such a small child get hurt?”

“I won't let anyone harm the baby.”

Xavier chased after Griselda, blocking the latter's path. His handsome, refined face flashed with a hint of anger. “Griselda, give me back the child. Give me one more week. I promise I will find a bone marrow match for Samuel. If I can't do it, you can do whatever you want, but right now, you cannot harm these two children.”

Xavier's gaze fell upon the baby she was cradling in her arms.

The newborn baby girl's features were still wrinkly, making it impossible to compare to anyone just yet. She had not even opened her eyes, but she was crying her heart out in Griselda's arms.

With just one glance, Xavier felt an overwhelming sense of heartache.

His heartbroken expression made Griselda burst into exaggerated and sarcastic laughter.

She stared into Xavier's eyes evilly and spat out her words with venomous hatred, “What is this? Are you already feeling sorry for your little b*stards? Our son is on his deathbed, enduring atrocious pain every day, yet I've never seen you show such sympathy for him... Xavier, you truly are a disappointment!”

“We can talk about Samuel later. These two children are innocent. I won't let you harm them today.” Xavier said nothing more, attempting to take the children back from Griselda's grasp.

“In your dreams! I've made up my mind to extract this child's bone marrow today. She must save Samuel's life!” Griselda, however, abruptly took a few steps back.

The two burly bodyguards behind her immediately stepped in front of her, blocking Xavier's actions at the crucial moment.

With a victorious stride, Griselda, cradling a ceaselessly crying baby, made her way out of the operating room.

Xavier was filled with rage when he watched Griselda about to leave with the child in her arms. Just as he was about to confront the two bodyguards again, Cayden walked in with a group of people.

The moment Griselda saw Cayden appear, a sense of foreboding surged in her heart.

She was completely blocked by the people Cayden brought into the operating room. Neither staying nor leaving seemed to be the right option.

Cayden's name was so famous that it struck Griselda like a bolt of lightning. Trident Group was an entity that even the Whitman family dared not provoke. Even her grandfather and father treated him with the utmost respect. All the more reason for her to do so.

A moment later, Griselda approached with a forced smile, the baby still in her arms. “Mr. Moore, what brings you here?”

Cayden did not respond. He merely glanced at the lifeless woman on the operating table and said, “I was wondering why my men couldn't find Ms. Zuckerberg for so long. Turns out she's in the Whitman family's hospital. I didn't know that you had a fetish for illegally detaining my female employees.”

Griselda was taken aback by his words, her face flushed with embarrassment. Even breathing became difficult for her.

She had no idea what Cayden was up to, so she decided to play dumb. “Mr. Moore, I have no idea what you're talking about. I have some things to take care of today, so I'll have to excuse myself.”

“Ms. Whitman, you're an intelligent person. How could you not understand what I'm saying?”

Cayden's gaze was incredibly cold. “Cecelia is an employee of Trident Group. It's my responsibility as the president to protect every employee. Now, not only are you illegally detaining my employee, but you're also trying to take her child away because of your own selfish desires. Ms. Whitman, have you become so accustomed to throwing your weight around in the Whitman family that you no longer respect the law?”

Lying on the operating table, Cecelia looked up at Cayden, who appeared out of nowhere like a savior. When she heard him defending her, her tears flowed even more freely.

Avery really has a good eye for people. Mr. Moore is indeed a man of responsibility and courage. She's blessed to have such a powerful guardian watching over her.

Cayden's aura was so overwhelmingly powerful that even Griselda, who was usually composed, had a thin layer of cold sweat forming on her forehead.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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