Chapter 650 Reluctant

Seeing her awake, Allie immediately grabbed Avery by the sides of her neck, shaking the latter vigorously. Hatred churned in Allie's eyes as an urge to tear Avery apart washed over her.

Avery was frail, to begin with. She had just regained consciousness but was vigorously shaken by Allie, causing her to feel dizzy again.

She couldn't even make out the scene in front of her eyes before she slipped back into unconsciousness.

She felt so utterly exhausted that she just wanted to close her eyes forever, never wishing to open them again.

In her weariness, Avery saw Cayden in her dreams.

His figure was slender and straight as a pine. The sight of his silhouette alone was enough to make her heart flutter.

In her dream, she ran toward him with joy, calling out his name loudly.

Cayden turned around.

His face was as exquisite as a sculpture, his lips tightly pressed in a stern expression. Yet, the moment he saw her, he smiled at her.

Tears suddenly welled up in Avery's eyes. For a moment, she dared not touch him, fearing that he would disappear inexplicably like a mirage.

Cayden's eyes were brimming with deep affection.

He slowly approached her, took her hand, and gently kissed it. “Silly girl, can't you take care of yourself when I'm not around?”

Tears welled up in Avery's eyes.

She reached out, intending to touch Cayden's body. However, before her fingers could make contact, he suddenly vanished into thin air.


Avery woke up abruptly from a deep slumber, only to find herself still in the hospital.

The room was lit only by a faint, dim light, and Claire was lying by her bedside.

At that moment, she had no mood to ponder why Claire was there. Her heart was filled with thoughts of Cayden. So it turns out, everything that just happened was all a figment of my imagination. So it was a dream...

Avery tightly covered her lips, looking at the pitch-black night sky through the window, silently sobbing. How I wish time can turn back time, returning to the moment you departed. If I had known this would be the outcome, I would have held onto you tightly that day. Even if it took all my strength, I would have kept you here.

Tears began to stream down Avery's cheeks as she cried uncontrollably.

Even though her voice was soft, it still managed to disturb Claire, who was sleeping lightly.

Claire switched on the room lights, and the warm yellow glow illuminated everything in the ward.

She saw Avery's tear-streaked face and held the latter close. Claire's eyes, red from staying up all night, gradually becoming moist. “Ery, believe me, everything will pass.”

The warm light, coupled with Claire's gentle voice, finally brought Avery back to her senses.

Her voice was hoarse, “Mrs. Lambert, what brings you here?”

Claire gently brushed Avery's sweat-drenched hair, a result of her nightmare. She looked at her with concern. “I've been quite free recently, and I heard you were hospitalized, so I came to see you. Would you like me to make you something to eat?”

They were at a private hospital, where the luxury wards were equipped with kitchens.

The refrigerator inside was also stocked with a variety of vegetables, along with an assortment of condiments, all readily available. They were specifically provided for patients to help stimulate their appetite during their hospital stay.

Avery shook her head. Her voice was weak as she spoke. “I'm not hungry. I don't want to eat anything. Mrs. Lambert. There are nurses in the hospital, so they can take care of me. You should go home. Otherwise, Mr. Lambert will worry. My health is not a major concern. You, on the other hand, have just recovered not long ago. It's not suitable for you to stay up late.”

“Don't worry about me. I'm quite strong. I'll make you some poached eggs to fill your stomach. Tomorrow, I'll cook you something even more delicious.” Claire ruffled Avery's hair, gave her a few more reminders, then hurried off to the small kitchen.

Avery choked up a little, watching Claire's bustling figure, feeling the gentle touch of the latter's hand on her forehead.

Her gaze fell once again on the small bed beside her, where the twins were soundly asleep.

Zachary held Rory close, their two similar, charming faces almost touching. Their soft, pink lips occasionally blew a small bubble.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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