Chapter 659 About To Give Birth

Avery was completely taken aback when she heard what Sid said.

There was finally a hint of joy on her emotionless face.

“Is that true, Sid? Is Cayden still alive? Where is he now? Are you sure that man is really my husband? If so, why hasn't he come home yet?”

Sid felt very stressed when he saw her longing expression and anxious attitude.

He handed a stack of documents to Avery and swallowed hard as he said, “I'm not entirely sure if the person in the photo is Cayden, Avery. For now, it's just a possibility.”

Avery picked up the documents and glanced at the photo. The image wasn't very clear, but one could make out the tall and slender figure of a man.

As he was wearing a baseball cap and had his back facing the camera, she was unable to see his face.

Avery gently caressed the photo and stared at it in silence.

She missed Cayden so much that she would readily think it was him simply because the figure bore a slight resemblance.

“After conducting an investigation, we found out that this man is in a vegetative state. He looks Aplothian and has been secretly staying in Shayriff Hospital for about a month, which coincides with the time Cayden went missing. A person with a mysterious background had paid for his medical expenses during his stay. However, the person was so mysterious that my men had to put in lots of effort just to obtain this little bit of information. I had someone check his medical records and retrieve all surveillance camera footage with him in it, but everything seems to have been deleted. This photo of his back was all that remained.”

Sid's words gradually dimmed the light in Avery's eyes little by little.

As though the baby could sense her sorrow, the baby gave her a gentle kick in the womb.

Avery gently caressed her belly when she felt the baby's movements.

Her frown deepened as she still refused to believe that Cayden was gone just like that.

Upon noticing Avery's worried expression, Sid cleared his throat and continued, “If this man really is Cayden, then I will do everything I can to find him, even if it means turning all of Remdik upside down. As of the moment, all I can confirm is that Cayden is still alive. However, he is in a vegetative state, so...”

Avery gently soothed the restless baby in her tummy as she said gently, “I will stay with Cayden as long as he is still alive, even if he becomes unable to move and needs constant care for the rest of his life. However, I don't even know if he's alive or dead right now. I feel like I'm a complete failure as a wife.”

“I'm sorry, Avery. Cayden wouldn't have been in trouble if it weren't for me. You can scold me and hit me to your heart's content. This is all my fault. It has nothing to do with you at all!” Sid said, filled with immense guilt.

He then grabbed Avery's wrist and forcefully smacked her palm against his face.

The resounding slap snapped Avery out of her dazed state. It wasn't until the burning pain spread through her palm that she quickly pulled her hand back. “What are you doing? I—”

Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her tummy. Beads of sweat that were the size of beans trickled down her forehead. “I... My stomach! Ah! My stomach hurts so much!”

Sid's face changed the moment he saw Avery's pained expression. He quickly stepped forward to check on her and asked, “What's wrong, Avery?”

Tina, who was delivering documents to Avery, had just arrived at the CEO's office when she saw Avery break out in a cold sweat.

As Avery could give birth at any time, Jeffrey had instructed Tina to closely monitor her physical condition. Because Tina was already mentally prepared, she immediately understood what was going on.

“Please hang in there, Mrs. Moore. I'll take you to the hospital right away!” Tina then mustered every ounce of strength she had to help Avery up before telling Sid, “Mr. Newman, it seems Mrs. Moore might be going into labor. Could you please give me a hand here?”

Due to the urgent nature of the situation, Sid immediately scooped Avery up and rushed out the door. “Sorry for this inappropriate contact, Avery. Please bear with me for a bit. I'll get you to the hospital right away!”

Avery was in so much pain that she was on the verge of losing consciousness. Her water had already broken on the way to the hospital.

As the unbearable pain surged through her body, she kept recalling the sound of Cayden's laughter and his charming smile. That was the only way she could hang in there.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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