Chapter 662 Gently Poking The Face Of The Baby

Avery lay on the hospital bed, the pain from her uterine contractions felt like she was being burned and torn apart at the same time. Her consciousness blurred as she reeled from its intensity.

Yet, even amidst the pain, she felt a sense of joy, for she could clearly hear the resonant cry of the newborn baby.

She saw with her own eyes the baby cradled in the doctor's arms.

The child was hers and Cayden's. It was the proof of their love, and even more so, the flesh and blood that connected their lineage.

Everyone, especially Jeffrey and Allie, was overjoyed because Avery had given birth to a boy.

The reasons for their joy was naturally different.

Jeffrey felt that Avery had made a great contribution to their family by bearing an offspring to continue Cayden's line.

What delighted Allie was that Avery had given birth to a boy. In the future, when it came to dividing the family property, she would have an additional bargaining chip on her side, one that was extremely powerful.

Jeffrey man looked at the beautiful baby who was quietly sleeping after being cleaned and swaddled by the nurse. Watching how his fair and tender face resembled his grandson's, Jeffrey was so happy that he couldn't stop smiling.

The children's names had always been personally chosen by Cayden in the past.

Since both Zachary's and Rory's names were given by their father, he decided to let Avery name his new great-grandson.

As Avery believed steadfastly that Cayden was still alive, she wanted to give him the right to name their child. Hence, she nicknamed the baby “Cal” for the time being.

Despite the consensus that the nickname Avery had chosen for the child was rather simple, Avery simply smiled and offered no explanation.

When she was pregnant, the baby was very active in her womb, kicking her belly every so often.

Every time, Cayden would reprimand the baby in her belly without any hesitation. “You little rascal, why are you kicking mommy again? From now on, your name will be Cal. If you continue to be this naughty after you're born, I'll stop playing nice and spank your little bottom instead!”

At that moment, Avery was so amused by Cayden's childish words that she couldn't help but laugh.

Reminisced about it brought her a sense of sweet melancholy.

Upon hearing the news of Avery's childbirth, Claire rushed to the hospital to visit her at the earliest opportunity.

When she arrived at the hospital with a gift, she saw Avery nursing the baby.

The twins were sitting obediently by the bed, their eyes unblinkingly fixed on the tiny baby, filled with curiosity.

The two little ones even poked their baby brother's delicate face. Despite being disturbed by his older siblings, the baby didn't show any signs of being shy.

After he stopped drinking milk for a moment, he lazily yawned and fell into a deep slumber in no time.

Only after the baby was lulled to sleep did Avery notice Claire standing there holding a gift.

She paused for a moment before apologizing to Claire, “I'm sorry, Claire. I was just feeding the baby and didn't notice you. When did you arrive?”

“No worries. I just arrived not too long ago. I wanted to see what the child looks like and if he's chubby and fair-skinned.”

Claire spoke warmly as she set down the gift.

She walked over to the baby, bending down to take a closer look at his small face. She then clicked her tongue in amazement. “This little one really resembles Cayden. Does he have a name yet?”

“Everyone says that the child resembles his father. I think that's good. I hope he can grow up to be a man of integrity just like his father. As for the baby's name, his nickname is Cal, but we haven't chosen a formal name yet. We're waiting for his father to come back to do that,” Avery said, her eyes welling up with tears.

Upon seeing Avery starting to feel upset again, Claire hurriedly patted the back of her hand, comforting her, “Ery, you've just given birth, you can't afford to cry. Otherwise, you'll end up with postpartum complications that will make you suffer later! Listen to me. Cheer up a bit. What could be more joyful than Cal's safe delivery?”

Avery fought hard to hold back her tears. Staring at the baby's adorable face in deep sleep, she gently nodded.

“Mommy, why does Cal sleep after eating? Is he a piglet? Why doesn't he play with me and Zach?” Rory asked innocently as she scratched her cheek and stared at the sleeping Cal with widened eyes.

Claire was utterly amused by Rory's innocent words.

She pinched Rory's cheeks and explained to her, “Cal has just been born and is very weak still. He needs to drink lots of milk and get plenty of rest so he can grow up quickly and play with you. This is how all babies are when they're little.”

Rory suddenly understood and nodded vigorously, “Oh, so that's how it is? Grandma, was it the same for Zach and me when we were little?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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