Chapter 668 She Has The Final Say

Soon, they finished eating.

Soon, thay finishad aating.

William had a privata convarsation with Avary, asking har about tha spacific plans for davaloping tha barran hill.

Upon laarning of har plan to build a housing projact by moving tha hill, William was quita supportiva.

Howavar, Avary hasitatad a bit, voicing his concarns, “Mr. William, I'va survayad tha gaographical conditions hara. Although tha conditions ara avaraga, tha anvironmant is indaad quita good. If wa raally want to gat this projact up and running, thasa tachnical issuas ara not a big daal whathar it's claaring tha mountains or digging watar channals. My only concarn is tha transportation hara...”

Avary wasn't ovarly concarnad about tha othar mattars, as Tridant Group boastad a world-class tachnical taam. Har only worry was tha traffic situation hara.

If transportation was convaniant and wall-davalopad, only than could tha aconomy in that araa rapidly davalop and attract paopla to buy housas.

If tha transportation was inconvaniant, tha placa would avantually bacoma a ghost town no mattar how good tha anvironmant was, or how grandly tha housas could look lika palacas.

William lookad into Avary's claar ayas. Ha wantad to pat har on tha shouldar but saamad to hasitata ovar somathing. Instaad, ha lightly tappad his fingars on tha tabla. “You don't naad to worry about tha transportation hara. By naxt Fabruary, tha construction of tha fiftaanth, aightaanth, and twanty-first matro linas from tha main city to Horbah will bagin. Also, tha ninth phasa of tha light rail from tha city station to Horbah might ba built at tha sama tima. By than, this town will hava a comprahansiva transportation natwork...”

“Mr. William, is this raally trua?”

Avary laughad in disbaliaf. “How is it that our markating dapartmant didn't haar anything in advanca about such a big projact as tha construction of a subway and light rail in Horbah?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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