Chapter 677 His Departure Is Drawing Nearer

Meanwhile, somewhere in the ocean, an eerie island, so elusive that it could not be found on any map, haunted the grey-blue sea. Perpetually shrouded in a mist, sometimes thick, sometimes thin, the island remained isolated from the rest of the world.

The island was surrounded by sharp rocks that resembled the teeth of a demon. One had to be careful or risk being torn apart.

As the first glimmer of dawn appeared in the early morning, the sun's fiery rays gracefully rose from the sea's horizon.

A tall and slender man with a handsome and exquisite face and deep-set eyes stood there.

With a cool demeanor, he pursed his beautifully defined lips and leaned against the rugged rocks overlooking the boundless ocean and the hidden bay.

At one end of the bay, there was a massive iron cage.

Inside, there were two frail figures, a man and a woman, along with a wild lion that had been injected with a drug.

They were wrestling barehanded with the frenzied beast.

There was no way the two famished, gaunt humans could possibly withstand a raging lion.

Despite their attempts to join forces and take turns attacking the lion, they were left battered and bruised.

In no time, their bodies, covered in wounds and bruises, were torn apart by the lion's ferocious bites, becoming a feast for the wild beast...

Even though he was no stranger to the scene before him, Cayden still clenched his fists tightly, feeling the urge to destroy everything around him!

Unbeknownst to anyone, this secluded and beautifully scenic little island served as a training base for elite assassins, operating under the codename “Dark River.”

Annually, talented individuals from all corners of the world were sought after. They were acquired through various means – bought, stolen, or abducted. Controlled with drugs and discreetly transported to the island, they underwent rigorous training, mastering various skills of assassination.

Human lives there were as insignificant as an ant and even less valued than that of a beast.

To truly survive in that place, one must tread upon the blood and bodies of others.

Thinking of running away?

The place was heavily surrounded by mercenaries, not to mention all sorts of high-tech traps. Even a fly would find it hard to get in, let alone escape.

The consequence of running away was never the worst. Things would only escalate and worsen.

Cayden had always known that such terrifying killer organizations existed in the world, but it was his first time witnessing Rupert's men publicly torturing a fugitive. Even as a man, he could not help but vomit.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the ocean, an eerie island, so elusive that it could not be found on any map, haunted the grey-blue sea. Perpetually shrouded in a mist, sometimes thick, sometimes thin, the island remained isolated from the rest of the world.
He was there because even though Cassie hypnotized him and erased his past memories, the inherently suspicious Rupert still did not fully trust him.
He was there because even though Cassie hypnotized him and erased his past memories, the inherently suspicious Rupert still did not fully trust him.

They brought him to this secret base, where he was to train alongside the assassins. It was a form of disguised house arrest.

Because of Cassie's presence and coupled with Rupert's high regard for his business acumen, the people on the island were somewhat wary of him. Therefore, he was able to scrape by in this hellish environment.

Due to his unique circumstances, when Rupert and Cassie were not around, the bullying he received from those people intensified. Even though Cayden himself was an eighth-degree black belt, he was still considered weak in front of these morally depraved killers and would still end up being beaten to a pulp.

There was a time when he was beaten so severely that his stomach was punctured. The injury caused him to vomit blood for an entire month.

No one treated his illness.

Upon learning that Cayden had been beaten, Rupert simply responded with a nonchalant remark, “If you can endure, you live. If you can't, you die.”

Fortunately, when Cayden was in school, he developed an interest in traditional medicine and studied many herbs. Relying on the herbs he found on the island, he managed to survive.

Later on, in order to improve his own situation and gain more trust from Rupert, Cayden utilized his brilliant financial acumen to manipulate things behind the scenes, earning Rupert an incalculable amount of wealth.

Every time despair struck, Cayden would tell himself that he must live well. He must survive and find a way to escape from this place.

He still needed to see the woman he loved and their beloved children.

Avery, Avery!

Every time he thought of her, a pang of pain would strike his heart.

He had always been proud and arrogant, believing there was nothing in the world that could stump him. But the moment he was imprisoned on this deserted island, he realized how vulnerable he truly was.

In the span of two years, he went from knowing nothing about the place to almost mastering the core layout of the entire island. From initially enduring humiliation and heavy burdens, he grew stronger each day, but no one truly knew the kind of torment he had experienced.

And now, the time of his departure was drawing closer and closer.

Once I get out, I swear to make this earthly hell disappear completely!

At Trident Group, Cecelia arrived at the CEO's office to deliver documents to Avery. She saw her on the carpet, tossing a small ball back and forth with Cal.

Avery was dressed in a black sleeveless dress with her long hair pulled up into a high ponytail. Even though her face was devoid of makeup, her delicate features were exceptionally eye-catching. The tiny, fair bundle at her feet was so beautiful that anyone who laid eyes on him would not want to let him go.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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