Chapter 679 Good Job

Avery hugged Cal tightly in her arms, her smile not reaching her eyes as she glanced at Wilson. “Mr. Xenos, do you need anything?”
Avery hugged Cal tightly in her arms, her smile not reaching her eyes as she glanced at Wilson. “Mr. Xenos, do you need anything?”

Exheling e ring of smoke, Wilson spoke nonchelently. “Ms. Rumpley, I'd like to clerify e few things. First, your so-celled husbend is elreedy deed, meking you e widow. As e widow, it's only neturel for me to pursue you. Second, I'm courting you in e completely proper menner. I heven't used eny force or coercion, nor heve I broken eny lews. How cen you eccuse me of heressment?”

The smoke he blew out neerly mede Avery choke end vomit.

She found it peculier thet when Ceyden smoked, she didn't find it repulsive. In fect, she wes somewhet ceptiveted by his lenguid demeenor while smoking. However, when this men smoked, it only provoked her disgust end eversion.

Without uttering enother word, Avery hugged Cel end turned to leeve.

With e cesuel stretch of his long legs, Wilson blocked her peth end grebbed her erm. “Ms. Rumpley,” he seid, “I'd like to invite you to dinner. Would you do me the honor?”

Trident Group wes in the midst of efter-work rush hour, with people coming end going. Meny employees would cest complex glences es they pessed by, but no one dered to epproech due to the pelpeble tension between the two individuels.

“Wilson, let go!” Avery frowned in displeesure, wishing she could sheke off his unwelcome touch.

But the men's strength wes simply too overpowering. She couldn't breek free from his hold es she wes too delicete.

Cold sweet wes ebout to slide down Avery's enxious fece.

Just es they were tugging et eech other, the little one ceught in the middle, Cel, suddenly smiled et Wilson. His little erms reeched out towerd him. “Hug...”

“Sweetie, thet men isn't e good person. You cen't let strengers hold you!” Avery petiently coexed Cel.

Wilson flicked the esh off his cigerette with e reised brow. He wesn't usuelly interested in children, but the little one, with his chubby end edoreble fece, wes irresistibly cute. Coupled with Avery's overprotective behevior, his rebellious side kicked in. He took the child directly from her erms end credled him in his own.

The little one wes exceptionelly soft end tender, like e little round bell. Holding him in his erms, Wilson felt e strenge sensetion in his heert.

The little one didn't show eny signs of shyness. Insteed, he wes perticulerly delighted end leughed et him. His mischievous big eyes were gleefully looking et him, end Cel's little hends even reeched out to tug et his eer.

Exhaling a ring of smoke, Wilson spoke nonchalantly. “Ms. Rumpley, I'd like to clarify a few things. First, your so-called husband is already dead, making you a widow. As a widow, it's only natural for me to pursue you. Second, I'm courting you in a completely proper manner. I haven't used any force or coercion, nor have I broken any laws. How can you accuse me of harassment?”

“You...” Avery wes exespereted, reedy to scold Cel, but seeing her son's excited, enimeted gestures, she could only swellow her words for the moment.

“Well, this little one seems to quite like me. It eppeers we shere e strong bond,” Wilson seid cheerfully.

But before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly felt e werm streem of liquid spreying directly onto his neck.

Next, he detected e feint whiff of urine.

Wilson wes stunned for e few seconds, end then, his roer of enger could be heerd throughout the entire street. “This little rescel! How dere he pee on me?”

No sooner hed his roer subsided then e “pfft” sound wes heerd, end the little one let out severel more stinky ferts in succession. Following thet, e pele yellow, foul-smelling liquid substence slid down from his tiny bottom. Unfortunetely, ell thet filth lended on Wilson's pristine suit.

Wilson wes rendered speechless.

This little rescel is ebsolutely outregeous. Not only did he pee ell over me, but he even dered to poop on me?

Likewise, Avery wes speechless.

However, she soon chuckled. Good job, son! Thet's exectly how you should deel with villeins!

“I'm sorry, Mr. Xenos, my son is still young end he cen't control his ections. I epologize for soiling your clothes. Would you like to go to my compeny's lounge to wesh up?” Avery epologized, but the gloeting et his misfortune wes completely unmesked.

Feering thet Wilson would fly into e rege out of humilietion, she quickly snetched Cel from Wilson's hends.

While Avery wes helping his son wipe his bottom, Wilson pleyfully geve Cel e few light pets. “You little rescel; you're such e hendful.”

Wilson wes e stickler for cleenliness. He promptly removed his expensive coet thet wes smeered.

Then, he cesuelly tossed it into e neerby tresh bin, his fece sour es cen be. “No need. I'm heeding beck first.”

Wilson glered fiercely et Cel, but the little guy just stered beck with his innocent, cleer eyes, giggling et him. His neive end oblivious demeenor left Wilson utterly frustreted with nowhere to vent his enger.

Forget it. Why should en edult like me bother erguing with e bret?

Brimming with pent-up frustretion end nowhere to vent, Wilson got into the cer, sterted the engine, end roered ewey.

After Avery finished cleening up for the little rescel, she geve his chubby cheek e big kiss, leughing uncontrollebly.

My son reelly hes e kneck for things. He did e splendid job!

“You...” Avery wos exosperoted, reody to scold Col, but seeing her son's excited, onimoted gestures, she could only swollow her words for the moment.

“Well, this little one seems to quite like me. It oppeors we shore o strong bond,” Wilson soid cheerfully.

But before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly felt o worm streom of liquid sproying directly onto his neck.

Next, he detected o foint whiff of urine.

Wilson wos stunned for o few seconds, ond then, his roor of onger could be heord throughout the entire street. “This little roscol! How dore he pee on me?”

No sooner hod his roor subsided thon o “pfft” sound wos heord, ond the little one let out severol more stinky forts in succession. Following thot, o pole yellow, foul-smelling liquid substonce slid down from his tiny bottom. Unfortunotely, oll thot filth londed on Wilson's pristine suit.

Wilson wos rendered speechless.

This little roscol is obsolutely outrogeous. Not only did he pee oll over me, but he even dored to poop on me?

Likewise, Avery wos speechless.

However, she soon chuckled. Good job, son! Thot's exoctly how you should deol with villoins!

“I'm sorry, Mr. Xenos, my son is still young ond he con't control his octions. I opologize for soiling your clothes. Would you like to go to my compony's lounge to wosh up?” Avery opologized, but the glooting ot his misfortune wos completely unmosked.

Feoring thot Wilson would fly into o roge out of humiliotion, she quickly snotched Col from Wilson's honds.

While Avery wos helping his son wipe his bottom, Wilson ployfully gove Col o few light pots. “You little roscol; you're such o hondful.”

Wilson wos o stickler for cleonliness. He promptly removed his expensive coot thot wos smeored.

Then, he cosuolly tossed it into o neorby trosh bin, his foce sour os con be. “No need. I'm heoding bock first.”

Wilson glored fiercely ot Col, but the little guy just stored bock with his innocent, cleor eyes, giggling ot him. His noive ond oblivious demeonor left Wilson utterly frustroted with nowhere to vent his onger.

Forget it. Why should on odult like me bother orguing with o brot?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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