Chapter 683 The Outcome Did Not Disappoint Her

Late at night.

Nicole curled up on the large bed in her room, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. What she kept replaying in her mind was the torment she had suffered at the hands of Roderick.

Just the mere thought of that man's tactics made her teeth chatter in fear.

As she lay straight as a rod on the large bed, her eyes were wide open, staring intently at the ceiling, utterly devoid of sleepiness.

She didn't know how much time had passed, but she still couldn't fall asleep.

Suddenly, a faint yet discernible fragrance began to gradually fill the entire room.

As Nicole inhaled the faint fragrance, she gradually felt drowsy. When she was too exhausted to keep her eyes open and was about to fall asleep, the pleasant scent suddenly turned into a series of foul odors, and a heavy smell of blood permeated the air.

Thump! Thump!

The heavy footsteps echoed, growing louder from afar, accompanied by an eerie melody. The sound was interspersed with the cries of children and the chilling, terrifying laughter of men and women.

Goosebumps covered all over Nicole's body as she suddenly opened her eyes wide.

She tried to turn on the bedside lamp with trembling hands, but to her surprise, the lamp didn't light up when she pressed the switch. It was broken.

Could there be a ghost?

Nicole was reminded of a horror film she once starred in. The current situation was eerily similar to the scenarios in that movie.

However, when she was filming before, she wasn't scared at all due to the crowd around her.

Who would have thought that in real life, when she found herself alone in the dark, she would be so scared?

In a state of fear, Nicole scrambled out of bed, intending to rush out of the room to call for his parents and Polly.

However, at that moment, she found that her hands and feet were completely out of her control.

Over the years, she had done quite a few bad things. With a guilty conscience, she couldn't help but wonder if this was her retribution.

She stumbled toward the door, intending to open it. Yet, bizarrely, no matter how hard she twisted, the door remained immovable.

Nicole wanted to turn on the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, but she wasn't sure whether the switch was broken or if there was an issue with the chandelier itself. Despite her efforts, the light remained off.

She became increasingly anxious and fearful.

Nicole was desperately pounding on the door, feeling as if those eerie, grating laughs were lingering right by her ear.

Suddenly, a swath of crimson appeared before her eyes.

The window had somehow been opened, and outside was pitch black. The living room light, which was usually always on, was now flickering on and off, like a will-o'-the-wisp in the dark night. It seemed as if something was controlling it, and its intermittent flashing was unnerving.

“Dad, Mom! Help me. Please open the door!” Nicole desperately kicked the door, using both hands and feet.

Images of her own victimization flooded her mind, causing her to shudder uncontrollably. Out of fear, her facial features twisted into a grotesque front, appearing particularly ghastly in the darkness of the night.

This is quite peculiar. My parents are usually light sleepers; even the slightest rustle can wake them up.

But now, I've screamed herself hoarse, and they haven't heard me. The thought of that deepened Nicole's terror.


The door suddenly creaked open, revealing a slender and tall figure, seemingly floating in mid-air. The grinding sound echoed crisply as if gnawing on human bones.

Nicole followed the flickering light that shot into the room, and to her sudden horror, she discovered that the face of the shadow was none other than Cayden.

However, his face was now smeared with filthy blood, his hands cold as ice, tightly gripping her neck. His voice was eerily chilling. “It was you. You killed me! Now, you owe me your life...”

“No... It... It wasn't me... For every grievance, someone is responsible; for every debt, there is a debtor. You... you should seek the one who truly harmed you. I didn't... I didn't harm you...” Nicole's eyes almost rolled to the back of her head as she was being choked, her hands clawing and scratching at the air in a frantic manner.

“Who? Who exactly is responsible for my death?” The voice was chillingly sinister, cold to the bone.

“It really isn't my fault, Cay... Cayden. I know you've been wronged, and I... I've been upset about it for a long time... It... It was that crazy Roderick who did it. He's the one who harmed you! Settle the score with him, so please don't kill me. Don't kill me...” Nicole's terrified pleas echoed through the quiet room.

The eerie voice continued to interrogate, “How did you come to know the truth? Where is Roderick now? How can I get in touch with him?”

“It was... that crazy Roderick. He... he let it slip when we... when we were in bed together... He's very secretive about his actions, and he usually only contacts me when he needs something. I... I can't reach him at all... I don't even know what he does... Please, I beg you, let me go...”

Nicole was both shocked and terrified, tears and snot streaming down her face. She looked utterly pitiful.

The lights in the room suddenly turned on.

Avery's fair face appeared before Nicole right away.

Earlier, she was dressed in a men's suit and leather shoes, her flowing long hair covered underneath a short wig.

At that moment, she was mockingly looking at Nicole.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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