Because of the sheer number of followers she had, Rosalita paid no attention to the injured Cayden and his companions.

Never in a million years did she expect Cayden would dare to kidnap her in public.

“Hugh, let go of Mdm. Rosalita, or none of you will survive!” Cassie warned, staring at Cayden as she raised her pistol, aiming it at his forehead.

However, her hands were trembling, while her eyes were filled with mixed emotions.

She knew better than anyone how ruthless and cruel Rosalita could be. Even though Cayden and his gang were skilled and powerful, they were all severely injured now, unable to escape from this terrifying and deadly island.

“Even if I can't survive, it's worth it to have so many accompany me to my death!” Cayden said with a tone of coldness.

“Haha! You ignorant brat! Even if you kill me, you won't be able to leave this place,” Rosalita arrogantly declared.

“If that's the case, let's all perish together!” Cayden sneered. He clasped her neck with his strong, iron-clad hands and strangled her, causing her eyes to roll backward.

Rosalita was seething with embarrassment and anger. She was coughing desperately, her face flushed with an unnatural red hue.

Even so, she desperately yelled at Cassie, “Cassie, k-kill this b*stard... H-hurry up...”

Cayden hit Rosalita's face sharply with the butt of his gun.

Several of Rosalita's teeth had been knocked out, fresh blood trickling from the corner of her mouth. The pain had her grimacing and gritting her teeth.

This only fueled her anger and madness further. “Hurry up, Cassie! K-kill him...”

Cayden positioned Rosalita in front of himself, shielding his entire body.

The angle he chose was excellent, as if she was a man-made protective barrier.

Assuming someone fires a gun at Rosalita, she would be the first to be riddled with bullets.

gun, but was hesitant to

Cayden's betrayal, she could not bear to

in the hands of Cayden, the mercenaries didn't dare to

Cayden commanded, “Mdm. Rosalita, order your people

malicious, with countless souls on the island having met their end at her hands, she actually valued her own life more

her teeth, gesturing to her people. She then said with a

surrounding them instinctively stepped back, paving a

taken hostage by Cayden in the middle

a helicopter

the helicopter.” Cayden shot Finn and the

the other two boarded

cockpit, while Wren and Raymond each held a submachine gun

shouted at Cayden, “Boss, hurry up

was that they would

traitor at such an unexpected time, despite having

step toward the helicopter, before finally ascending the

began to struggle violently. The gemstone blue ring on her hand

suddenly startled, nimbly avoiding the silver thread. The gun in his hand was directly

scream, Rosalita's ear was sliced off. Blood gushed out profusely. The pain was so intense that she

her subordinates, “Kill this ungrateful wretch! Shoot and kill

the helicopter, shooting Rosalita in the head with a single bullet. Then, with a swift kick, he

just boarded the plane when he saw a hand grenade being suddenly

lunged forward, using his own

for him to be mourning or feeling sad. He swiftly darted into the cabin

airplane shook as it ascended

air as they were aimed toward

into the distance. The woman's beautiful eyes slowly turned cold and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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