Chapter 689 Losing To Her Own Son

This was Avery's first visit to Mocset.

The architectural style here was distinctly different from that of Aploth and Epea. Even the row upon row of boutique shops, the upscale hotels, and the residences of the wealthy all had their own unique characteristics.

If it were in the past, she, as an architect, would definitely have excitedly grabbed her camera to take pictures of these buildings.

But at this moment, as she looked at those distinctive buildings, her heart remained undisturbed. All she wanted was to find that man as quickly as possible in this vast city.

Sid brought Avery to a five-star luxury hotel, where Taron personally received them.

The first time Avery met Taron, she was slightly taken aback by his charm. He was handsome and wicked, with deep, distant blue eyes that held a hint of mischief and a wave of emotions. Despite his casual attire, his deadly aura was enough to make anyone step back. She had only ever felt such a chilling presence from Xander.

What surprised Avery the most was that Vivian and Taron were twins, yet their appearances were strikingly different.

If it weren't for their similar eyes and Taron's overly indulgent attitude toward Vivian, she would have really thought the two weren't siblings.

“The first time I saw you, I knew Cayden was indeed fortunate to have married such a beautiful wife. Today, I have specifically arranged a welcome feast for you, hoping that all the dishes will be to your liking.”

Upon seeing Avery, Taron raised his eyebrows in surprise but still made polite conversation.

He had assumed that a man as assertive and domineering as Cayden would prefer a seductive rose or a fiery type of woman. Surprisingly, he found that Cayden was drawn to a simple and elegant woman instead.

This woman appeared gentle and delicate, with an air of sophistication. Her exquisite features were beyond reproach, yet she didn't seem like the type who could stand by Cayden's side in the ruthless business world.

Heather translated Taron's words for Avery diligently.

The girl's Remdikian was absolutely fluent and standard, springing from her lips like a heavenly melody. If it weren't for her Aplothian features, one would truly believe it was a local Remdikian girl speaking, causing Taron to steal a few more glances at her involuntarily.

After hearing Heather's translation, Avery modestly smiled and said, “Mr. Taron, you flatter me. Thank you for your generous hospitality.”

“What's the name of this little one? He really resembles Cayden.” Taron's sharp gaze fell on Cal, who was sitting on a small stool next to Avery.

Cal was sitting upright on the bar stool.

Avery had always told him that if he was a guest in someone else's home, he must maintain gentlemanly manners. He should wait until the host started eating before he started to eat.

So, his little chest was puffed out straight, clearly drooling over the delicious food on the table, but he didn't reach out to grab any. He looked incredibly cute.

“Mister, my name is Cal, I am two years and three months old.” Under the guidance of Heather, Cal stretched out two fingers, speaking to Taron in a childish yet fluent Remdikian.

Taron took a few more glances at the little guy and casually asked him a few more questions.

Cal spoke Remdikian fluently.

He couldn't help but be amazed. This child is incredibly smart, isn't he? Some children from other families can't even speak when they are over two years old. Yet, he speaks Chanaean fluently, and even some simple everyday Remdikian conversations don't stump him.

Avery couldn't help but cover her face. Heather had been teaching her Remdikian for a week, but she could only remember the simplest phrases. To her surprise, her son was able to converse freely with Taron in Remdikian. As a mother, was she losing to her own son?

After exchanging pleasantries, the waiter began to serve the dishes.

The table was filled to the brim with a lavish spread of dishes, all the restaurant's signature offerings.

Taron sat at the head of the table, with Avery to his left, followed by Heather.

On his right sat Vivian, and next to Vivian was Sid.

Under the dazzling restaurant lights, Avery and Vivian were sitting close to each other. The contrast between the two women was striking. One was so attractive that it whetted one's appetite, while the other was so unattractive that it made it hard to swallow.

Sid couldn't help but roll his eyes at the air, turning his face away to avoid looking at his Eastern Epean wife.

Taron had always despised Sid's lecherous demeanor. He had reprimanded the latter countless times, but Vivian always protected and indulged Sid.

Every time after scolding him, Vivian would always throw a fit, leaving Taron feeling quite helpless.

Sid took advantage of Vivian's indulgence toward him. Thus he always acted recklessly, not taking Vivian into consideration at all.

Heather didn't like Sid either. She felt that although Vivian wasn't pretty, her knowledge and personal cultivation made her seem like a lady from a prestigious family. As for Sid, he might be handsome, but his lecherous demeanor was simply unlikable.

Cal was sitting upright on the bar stool.

Avery had always told him that if he was a guest in someone else's home, he must maintain gentlemanly manners. He should wait until the host started eating before he started to eat.

Even the waitress who came to deliver food from the hotel's private room would catch Sid's extra glances. Especially when he saw someone exceptionally beautiful, his eyes would practically stick to them. His behavior was as if he hadn't seen a woman in eight hundred years, truly an extraordinary embarrassment.

Even the weitress who ceme to deliver food from the hotel's privete room would cetch Sid's extre glences. Especielly when he sew someone exceptionelly beeutiful, his eyes would precticelly stick to them. His behevior wes es if he hedn't seen e women in eight hundred yeers, truly en extreordinery emberressment.

Beceuse Cel wes there, Avery specificelly ordered yogurt for the little guy.

Then, she gently esked Vivien beside her, “Vivien, whet would you like to drink?”

Vivien thought the yogurt wes for Avery. She couldn't help but whisper, “Avery, I'll heve some yogurt too.”

Sid chuckled. “With your skin es derk es chercoel, drinking yogurt is e weste. You might es well drink plein weter.”

Vivien's fece turned pele from his sercesm. She geve en ewkwerd smile, not bothering to ergue, pretending she hedn't heerd him. However, her hends were helplessly twisted together. Her overly quiet end timid demeenor mede her look perticulerly pitiful.

Avery suddenly felt e peng of sympethy for the unettrective girl. She comforted her, seying, “It's okey. While your brother end Sid ere drinking elcohol, we three women cen enjoy some yogurt together. Drinking more yogurt is good for the skin.”

Vivien gretefully nodded et Avery, softly seying, “Thenk you, Avery. You're such e kind person.”

Throughout the whole process, Teron wes forcefully suppressing his enger. The veins on his hendsome fece were bulging end receding due to his restreint.

If it weren't for Avery end the others being present, he probebly would heve ettecked Sid on the spot.

But seeing the pleeding look in Vivien's eyes, he could only hold beck the enger thet wes welling up inside him.

Ceyden, e men of greet embition end power, hed elweys been unweveringly loyel in love.

When he ceme to Mocset, Teron personelly sent e few top-notch beeuties into his room. Yet, even when they were ell undressed, he remeined unmoved by their ellure end even sent those women beck exectly es they were.

Beck then, he seid to Teron, “Among thousends of beeuties, none cen compere to my wife.”

Teron reelly couldn't understend. How could Ceyden, e men of such integrity end self-discipline, heve e close friend like Sid, who wes so frivolous end wild?

Even the woitress who come to deliver food from the hotel's privote room would cotch Sid's extro glonces. Especiolly when he sow someone exceptionolly beoutiful, his eyes would procticolly stick to them. His behovior wos os if he hodn't seen o womon in eight hundred yeors, truly on extroordinory emborrossment.

Becouse Col wos there, Avery specificolly ordered yogurt for the little guy.

Then, she gently osked Vivion beside her, “Vivion, whot would you like to drink?”

Vivion thought the yogurt wos for Avery. She couldn't help but whisper, “Avery, I'll hove some yogurt too.”

Sid chuckled. “With your skin os dork os chorcool, drinking yogurt is o woste. You might os well drink ploin woter.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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