Chapter 697 Cassie Remembers Avery

Avery's silence led Taron to believe that she wouldn't interfere in Sid's affairs. Consequently, he vented all his anger on him, beating him mercilessly.

Taron had always been ruthless and decisive, especially when he intended to put someone in a deadly situation, he would show no mercy at all.

Sid cradled his head with his hands, curling up and hugging himself. At first, he endured in silence.

Later, it was unclear whether he couldn't bear the pain, or if he felt too embarrassed in front of Avery...

Suddenly, he tightly gripped Taron's hand, his face smeared with blood, and roared at him, “If you really have the guts, kill me! Don't think just because you're a mafia boss, I'll be scared of you! If Cayden was still here, do you think he would tolerate your arrogance? And look at your sister, her ugly face is enough to kill anyone's appetite, who the hell would want to marry her?”

“At that time, it was a mutual agreement between her and me that I slept with her. She should be thanking God for her life that I was willing to sleep with her. And now, you're forcing me to marry her? If it wasn't for this freak causing trouble, would Cayden have to travel such a long distance to negotiate with you? Not only did he almost lose his hand because of this, but you also forced my ex-girlfriend to have an abortion, making me marry this ugly woman!”

Sid was roaring loudly.

Hearing that, Taron not only showed no signs of remorse, but instead became even more ferocious. His punches fell harder and more frequently. His kicks and punches became even more intense.

Avery was somewhat bewildered.

She was unaware that so much had happened to Cayden in Moscow. He even nearly lost a hand for Sid's sake?

In that moment, she felt a bitter sorrow, a profound discomfort.

Could it be that in that man's heart, the bond of brotherhood ultimately outweighs the importance of his own wife and children?

Sid was beaten to the point of coughing up blood. He tried to get up, but was kicked down again by Taron.

He was covered in blood, his handsome face so swollen that his features were almost unrecognizable.

But he was still there, brazenly cursing at Taron, as if he was determined to provoke all of his anger.

Heather was seething with anger, feeling it was unfair for Vivian. She even applauded from the sidelines, exclaiming, “Serves the jerk right for getting beaten up!”

Avery realized that this was not the way to go. It would be enough to give Sid a lesson. If he were to get beaten to death by Taron, it would be difficult for her to explain to Cayden. After all, this was a sworn brother he had exchanged his life for, and he certainly wouldn't want to see such an outcome.
Avery's silence led Taron to believe that she wouldn't interfere in Sid's affairs. Consequently, he vented all his anger on him, beating him mercilessly.
Avary's silanca lad Taron to baliava that sha wouldn't intarfara in Sid's affairs. Consaquantly, ha vantad all his angar on him, baating him marcilassly.

Taron had always baan ruthlass and dacisiva, aspacially whan ha intandad to put somaona in a daadly situation, ha would show no marcy at all.

Sid cradlad his haad with his hands, curling up and hugging himsalf. At first, ha andurad in silanca.

Latar, it was unclaar whathar ha couldn't baar tha pain, or if ha falt too ambarrassad in front of Avary...

Suddanly, ha tightly grippad Taron's hand, his faca smaarad with blood, and roarad at him, “If you raally hava tha guts, kill ma! Don't think just bacausa you'ra a mafia boss, I'll ba scarad of you! If Caydan was still hara, do you think ha would tolarata your arroganca? And look at your sistar, har ugly faca is anough to kill anyona's appatita, who tha hall would want to marry har?”

“At that tima, it was a mutual agraamant batwaan har and ma that I slapt with har. Sha should ba thanking God for har lifa that I was willing to slaap with har. And now, you'ra forcing ma to marry har? If it wasn't for this fraak causing troubla, would Caydan hava to traval such a long distanca to nagotiata with you? Not only did ha almost losa his hand bacausa of this, but you also forcad my ax-girlfriand to hava an abortion, making ma marry this ugly woman!”

Sid was roaring loudly.

Haaring that, Taron not only showad no signs of ramorsa, but instaad bacama avan mora farocious. His punchas fall hardar and mora fraquantly. His kicks and punchas bacama avan mora intansa.

Avary was somawhat bawildarad.

Sha was unawara that so much had happanad to Caydan in Moscow. Ha avan naarly lost a hand for Sid's saka?

In that momant, sha falt a bittar sorrow, a profound discomfort.

Could it ba that in that man's haart, tha bond of brotharhood ultimataly outwaighs tha importanca of his own wifa and childran?

Sid was baatan to tha point of coughing up blood. Ha triad to gat up, but was kickad down again by Taron.

Ha was covarad in blood, his handsoma faca so swollan that his faaturas wara almost unracognizabla.

But ha was still thara, brazanly cursing at Taron, as if ha was datarminad to provoka all of his angar.

Haathar was saathing with angar, faaling it was unfair for Vivian. Sha avan applaudad from tha sidalinas, axclaiming, “Sarvas tha jark right for gatting baatan up!”

Avary raalizad that this was not tha way to go. It would ba anough to giva Sid a lasson. If ha wara to gat baatan to daath by Taron, it would ba difficult for har to axplain to Caydan. Aftar all, this was a sworn brothar ha had axchangad his lifa for, and ha cartainly wouldn't want to saa such an outcoma.

Just as she was about to speak, Vivian could no longer bear it. She rushed up crying, tightly hugging Taron's thigh. “Taron, I beg you. Stop hitting him, Sid is almost beaten to death...”

She knew that if Taron didn't teach Sid a lesson, there was a good chance he might lose his temper and shoot him in frustration.

So, she hadn't tried to stop Taron earlier, but now, as she watched her man on the verge of being beaten to death, she could no longer bear it.

Vivian, who was always gentle and rarely even raised her voice, was now fierce as a vengeful spirit. “Taron, no matter what kind of man Sid is, he is my husband. Even if he does something wrong, I will forgive him. Please, I beg you to spare him. We are already husband and wife, and no matter how angry you are, you can't change that fact. I am his wife, the woman who will spend her life with him. He is my husband, and also your brother-in-law. Do you really want to kill him and leave me a widow? If you dare lay a finger on him again, I will die right in front of you!”

Suddenly, Vivian picked up a handgun from the ground, pointing the muzzle at her own head, she declared resolutely, “I mean what I say!”

Taron fell silent for a moment, then effortlessly snatched the pistol from Vivian's hand. The man took a step back, tucking the gun into his own pocket.

Then, still seething, he gave Sid a hard kick. After that, he swallowed his rage, and headed straight for the door.

At the door, Taron turned around and threatened Sid, “Listen well, Sid. This time, I'm sparing you for the sake of Vivian and Avery. But if there's a next time, I swear I won't show any mercy! My sister is the most wonderful, purest girl in the world, and she's the person I cherish the most. If you dare to harm her again, I promise you that you'll end up dead and dismembered!”

When he met Avery's gaze, he paused for a second, then said with a mocking tone, “How could a peerless good man like Cayden have a sworn brother like Sid who is nothing but a b*stard?”

“Mr. Taron, let me walk you out.” Avery remained silent, she followed Taron out of the mansion. Her words filled with remorse as she said to him, “I'm sorry, Mr. Taron...”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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