Chapter 714 Seething With Rage

Avery tried to call Cayden, but for some reason, she couldn't get through. She tried again and again, but the result was always the same.

She was anxious to get in touch with Xander, but oddly enough, his phone was also switched off.

Out of options, she reached out to Taron.

The call did go through, but it seemed like he was quite busy on the other end. She faintly heard the sound of earth-shattering explosions, along with the agonizing cries of pain.

Taron quickly said to her, “Avery, I'm very busy. I'll call you back when I'm done.”

He promptly hung up the phone.

Avery was anxious, frustrated, and panicked, yet there was nothing she could do.

Seeing Avery's anxious and flustered demeanor, Heather comforted her, saying, “Avery, don't worry just yet. Cayden and his team are surely carrying out an urgent mission right now. Otherwise, he wouldn't be ignoring your calls.”

Avery merely hummed in response, but in her heart, she was praying ceaselessly to the heavens, hoping that Cayden and the others would be safe and sound.

She truly didn't want their hard-won reunion to be lost again, just as she had finally attained it.

Things were very different at Tidgate Administrative District in Mocset.

A black Cadillac was parked near the civil aviation building, with several SWAT officers hidden nearby, ready to spring into action.

In the backseat of the Cadillac, Cayden used his laptop to send out the last confidential file before sighing lightly in relief.

He tapped his earpiece, establishing radio contact with Taron and Xander. “Rupert is particularly cunning. You guys need to be extra careful.”

A few days ago, he had handed over all the evidence of Rupert's crimes to the Remdikian government.

In an instant, the whole nation was in an uproar.

Rupert was one of the key members of the Remdik's political scene. He maintained an excellent public image and was a renowned philanthropist. His positive image was deeply ingrained in people's hearts, to the extent that he was a role model that many young people strived to emulate.

No one would have expected a high-ranking official employed by the state to secretly establish such a cruel organization. Moreover, the organization had collected a massive amount of wealth from the public under the guise of charitable donations, all to support their illegal activities.

The matter has attracted significant attention from the Remdik's Central Intelligence Agency.

They immediately set out to investigate Rupert and the secret organization behind him. They moved efficiently, and the more they delved into the case, the more alarmed they grew. They wanted to arrest Rupert, but the cunning Rupert had gotten wind of their plans and made a swift escape.

Cayden was now cooperating with the Remdik's Central Intelligence Agency to arrest Rupert.

Rupert was like a ticking time bomb. Until Cayden witnessed that demon brought to justice with his own eyes, he would never be at ease.

As Cayden was deep in thought, a tall and burly Eastern Epea man, captain of the SWAT officers, knocked heavily on the car window and said with absolute certainty, “Mr. Moore, we're just dealing with one Rupert, aren't we? He's nothing more than a minor politician. We've already set up the perfect trap. Even if he had wings, he wouldn't be able to escape.”

“Don't underestimate Rupert. He has been meticulously planning this under your noses for years, and your government hasn't even noticed. It just goes to show how cunning he is.” No sooner had Cayden finished speaking than he saw a tall man with a full beard dashing off to the right with a black briefcase.

Behind him followed dozens of men in black, all armed with heavy weaponry.

The fleeing man appeared to be around forty years old with a good physique. He was still dressed smartly in a suit and leather shoes while running. Even though he wore sunglasses and a black mask, Cayden recognized him at a glance — it was Rupert.

Cayden knew Rupert well. He had severe mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder, so he would never allow himself to be sloppily dressed. Even in the most disheveled moments, he had to wear a suit and tie.

“Target spotted. After him!” Cayden urged the driver, “Speed up!”

The Cadillac roared impressively, startling the middle-aged man who was fleeing.

The middle-aged man glanced back, his face filled with shock, and he quickened his pace.

The black-clad men behind him immediately opened fire on Cayden and his group with fierce intensity.

Rupert and his group fled toward the highway while the Cadillac narrowly dodged their gunfire, relentlessly giving chase.

A patrol officer happened to be driving around the highway. Upon seeing such a spectacle, he immediately shouted, “Stop! Who's there?”

One of the pursuing SWAT officers quickly flashed his badge and explained, “Those people are fugitives, and the one at the front is the prime suspect, Rupert. Stop them quickly!”

Before the patrol officer could react, the people in black coldly opened fire on him.

The man leading the pack was running very quickly. The gusty wind blew off his baseball cap and sunglasses, revealing his slightly graying hair and a faintly wrinkled forehead.

The moment Cayden saw those sinister eyes, he became even more certain — the man was indeed Rupert.

Cayden asked the driver to give up his seat for him.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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