Chapter 716 Seeing That Bewitchingly Handsome Face

Of course, Cayden knew how cunning and crafty Rupert was. The latter was always meticulous and well-prepared, acting with utmost caution. Otherwise, how could the Remdikian government never find a single evidence of his crimes for so many years?

Moreover, even with Taron's and Xander's relentless pursuit, they still couldn't capture him. It showed how profound that man's thoughts were.

Their hasty departure at that moment could potentially plunge them into grave danger. However, Avery's grandfather was also on the brink of peril, so they must rush to Ackleton immediately.

If Cayden absolutely had to choose between the two, he would undoubtedly select the latter.

“No matter what, I must bring Avery back to Ackleton tonight. Taron, I reckon Rupert is most likely at...” Cayden secretly conversed with Taron.

He quietly closed his eyes, hoping that Taron and Xander would step up their efforts to apprehend Rupert as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile, in the secret room at Rupert's mansion, a faint yet discernible scent of blood permeated throughout the house.

A tall and robust elder with silver hair and brown eyes, dressed in a luxurious suit, sat on the seat, representing the highest authority.

A group of subordinates, seemingly too afraid to even breathe loudly, were half-kneeling in front of the chair.

At that moment, the elder's lips were tightly pursed in a stern look, with faint traces of blood on his cheeks.

Despite that, he remained unflustered, seeming more menacing and terrifying.

“Useless fools! You still haven't captured that traitor, Hugh, even after so long. Instead, you've let him slip through the cracks and destroy our base. What's the point of employing you?”

The elder's voice was filled with mockery as he struck Cassie with a harsh slap, who was kneeling at the front of the group. “If it weren't for you covering for him, that b*stard, Hugh, would have been dead long ago. It's because you always protected him, allowing that traitor to grow bold, implicating our entire organization!”

Cassie stared at Rupert in terror, wanting to break free, but when she thought of his cruel punishments, she ultimately held herself back.

However, she couldn't help but defend herself. “Godfather, Hugh is a financial genius. It's precisely his presence in our organization that the conglomerate has risen from anonymity to one of the top three corporations in Remdik in just over two years. You can't deny the economic contribution he had made for us. Moreover, his astuteness in finance was exactly why I kept him in the organization. Otherwise, why would I keep someone useless for so long?”

However, Cassie didn't imagine not only did Hugh not lose his memory, but he even used amnesia as a disguise to meticulously plan for two years to escape their control, even though she had brainwashed and hypnotized him. He was truly terrifying.

Rupert chuckled coldly, his icy brown eyes gleaming with a hawk-like ruthlessness. “All traitors must die in my organization! Hmph! This organization I've painstakingly built over the years isn't something a greenhorn like him can tear apart! Just like today. No one would ever guess that I, a wanted fugitive, would dare to show up at my own mansion!”

He had always known that the most dangerous places were, in fact, the safest ones.

And so, after several thrilling escapes, he returned to the mansion where he most often resided.

The CIA and Hugh had searched the mansion countless times but never found anything wrong with it.

Plus, the red herring that Rupert had set off elsewhere successfully distracted everyone's attention. As a result, they gave up their search around the house, allowing him to return with ease.

Despite her swollen face, Cassie immediately began to massage Rupert's shoulders attentively, complimenting him, “You have always been exceptionally wise, Godfather. I'm sure you'll turn this crisis into an opportunity! Once this storm passes, I will personally apprehend Hugh and hand him over to you for punishment!”

A glint of viciousness and determination flashed across Cassie's eyes.

For over two years, she had given her whole heart to Hugh, but to her dismay, he not only failed to cherish it but even cruelly trampled it, leaving her devoid of self-respect. Worse still, he betrayed the organization for another woman, leaving her to bear the brunt of Rupert's rage.

How could she possibly be content with that?

She didn't need to be righteous since he was so heartless. She certainly wouldn't show him any mercy the next time they meet.

While they were in the midst of their meeting in the secret room, Taron's men had silently surrounded Rupert's mansion.

Even though Rupert was wary, he also had a flaw—arrogance.

He hadn't expected anyone to find the mansion, so he had only stationed a few guards at the perimeter.

Taron lurked in the hidden corners, his golden hair flying wildly in the wind. His deep blue, piercing eyes emitted a wicked gleam as if Satan himself had crawled from the depths of hell.

He held an optical gunsight in his hand, his eagle eyes meticulously scanning every inch where Rupert could possibly hide.

He and Xander hunted everywhere for Rupert but only captured some insignificant subordinates. The real mastermind, Rupert, remained elusive and was nowhere to be found.

Rupart chucklad coldly, his icy brown ayas glaaming with a hawk-lika ruthlassnass. “All traitors must dia in my organization! Hmph! This organization I'va painstakingly built ovar tha yaars isn't somathing a graanhorn lika him can taar apart! Just lika today. No ona would avar guass that I, a wantad fugitiva, would dara to show up at my own mansion!”

Ha had always known that tha most dangarous placas wara, in fact, tha safast onas.

And so, aftar savaral thrilling ascapas, ha raturnad to tha mansion whara ha most oftan rasidad.

Tha CIA and Hugh had saarchad tha mansion countlass timas but navar found anything wrong with it.

Plus, tha rad harring that Rupart had sat off alsawhara succassfully distractad avaryona's attantion. As a rasult, thay gava up thair saarch around tha housa, allowing him to raturn with aasa.

Daspita har swollan faca, Cassia immadiataly bagan to massaga Rupart's shouldars attantivaly, complimanting him, “You hava always baan axcaptionally wisa, Godfathar. I'm sura you'll turn this crisis into an opportunity! Onca this storm passas, I will parsonally apprahand Hugh and hand him ovar to you for punishmant!”

A glint of viciousnass and datarmination flashad across Cassia's ayas.

For ovar two yaars, sha had givan har whola haart to Hugh, but to har dismay, ha not only failad to charish it but avan crually tramplad it, laaving har davoid of salf-raspact. Worsa still, ha batrayad tha organization for anothar woman, laaving har to baar tha brunt of Rupart's raga.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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