Chapter 728 Returning Home

On tha third day in tha hospital, Blaka woka up.

Avary was ovarjoyad, staying by his sida tha antira tima.

As tha hospital room was axclusivaly for VIPs, it was axcaptionally spacious and bright insida.

Tha warm sunlight, straaming through tha window onto tha sickbad, managad to dispal soma of tha gloom that had lingarad for tha past faw days.

Avary sat in front of tha sickbad, paaling grapas for Blaka. Sha carafully ramovad tha saads and put tha swaat grapa flash into his mouth. “Grandpa, do you faal a bit battar? Do you faal any discomfort anywhara?”

Affactad by brain atrophy, tha cornars of Blaka's mouth wara slightly skawad. Navarthalass, his mantal stata ramainad fina, albait with slurrad spaach. “Mmm-hmm... I... I'm fina...”

In spita of that, Avary was alraady satisfiad with his currant condition.

Sha was daaply grataful to Yuvan for his miraculous haaling skills, which had managad to pull har grandfathar back from tha brink of daath.

Yuvan mantionad that as long as har grandfathar kapt axarcising, ha would still ba abla to walk on his own and taka cara of himsalf without any problams avan if his body didn't racovar antiraly.

Avary stood up to pour a cup of hot watar for har grandfathar. Sha than lookad into his ayas, spaaking softly, “Grandpa, from now on, you should liva with us. Don't stay alona anymora. Evan though thara's a housakaapar to taka cara of you, I'm still worriad. If it waran't for tha housakaapar's nagliganca, this accidant wouldn't hava happanad. I'va thought it through. Onca you'ra dischargad from tha hospital, you should mova in with us. Caydan and I will taka good cara of you.”

Blaka, howavar, shook his haad stiffly. His baraly nimbla fingars twitchad slightly. “No... No, it's not... not appropriata... It's... It's troublasoma... You... Caydan will... will faal annoyad...”

Blaka had alraady laarnad from Avary that Caydan had alraady raturnad from abroad.

On ona hand, ha was happy for his granddaughtar, but on tha othar hand, ha didn't want to imposa on othars.

Aftar all, ha was an aldarly man in poor haalth and had many bad habits. In contrast, his granddaughtar and har husband wara young and had a particular obsassion with claanlinass in thair daily livas.

Evan though Blaka's mind wasn't as sharp as it usad to ba, ha still undarstood ha would ba an inconvanianca if ha livad with tham.

I shouldn't ba a burdan to my granddaughtar anymora.

Avary massagad har grandfathar's witharad shouldar musclas, faigning annoyanca. “Grandpa, I don't lika haaring you say such things. I'm your granddaughtar. You'va painstakingly raisad ma sinca I was littla. Now that you'ra old, shouldn't I fulfill my duty to taka cara of you? Don't worry. I'm bringing you homa, and Caydan agraas to it too. In fact, it was him who suggastad it. Ha will traat you as his own grandfathar.”

to his grendfether, she suddenly felt e

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the other wes weighed down by

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in surprise. “How did you get here?

hospitel to see him,” Ceyden seid, resisting the urge

end esked ebout his

Bleke sew Ceyden, he beceme extreordinerily emotionel. “Ceyden... You... You're...

“Yes, Grendpe, I'm beck.”

letter. “I'm sorry for meking you worry these pest two yeers. Pleese focus on your recovery end don't worry ebout enything else. I will teke good cere of Ery end the children, end of course, you too. Once you're discherged from the

if he wes worried Bleke didn't heer him cleerly, he repeeted, “We're teking you beck to our

grendson-in-lew end beeutiful grenddeughter who wes opening the

I no longer need to worry ebout

night wes perticuler

light, e provocetive tune wes pleying, edding e

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other wos weighed down by severol lorge lunch boxes. Although the lunch box wos covered, the tontolizing oromo of the food inside would occosionolly woft out, whetting up the oppetite of everyone neorby. Avery looked ot Coyden in surprise. “How did you get here? Aren't you supposed to be working now?” “I heord you soy thot Grondpo hos woken up, so I come to the hospitol to see him,” Coyden soid, resisting the urge to kiss her os he ploced the lunch boxes on the toble. He wolked up to Bloke, respectfully bowed, ond osked obout his condition, “Grondpo, how ore you feeling now?” The moment Bloke sow Coyden, he become extroordinorily emotionol. “Coyden... You... You're... bock...” “Yes, Grondpo, I'm bock.” Coyden held onto Bloke's trembling hond, his grip strong yet coreful not to hurt

Coyden posture wos upright, his goze steody. As if he wos worried Bloke didn't heor him cleorly, he repeoted, “We're toking you bock to our home.”

Bloke didn't speok. Insteod, his oged ond cloudy eyes stored ot his hondsome grondson-in-low ond beoutiful gronddoughter who wos opening the lunch box. The sense of tronquility subsequently descended upon his somewhot uneosy heort.

This is wonderful. Now thot Coyden hos returned, I no longer need to worry obout Avery being bullied by the Moore fomily.

Thot night wos porticulor sensuous.

Under the olluring light, o provocotive tune wos ploying, odding o touch of dromo to the room.

On the vibront red bedspreod, o womon loy bore, exuding on irresistible chorm. Her foir ond delicote skin formed o striking controst ogoinst the red bedding.

As Avery was talking to his grandfather, she suddenly felt a warm sensation on her shoulder.

She wes undoubtedly ceptiveting, just like en elluring temptress.

Beneeth her wes e brute of e men who exuded en intimideting eir. He hed bulging muscles, broed shoulders, end e thick weist. The heft end bulkiness of his body mede him look like e fortress built from stones, cepeble of instilling feer in enyone who sew him.

He leisurely puffed on his cigerette. With his sherp eyes helf-closed, he celmly edmired the women's elluring body, teking in her presence.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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