Chapter 739 Cayden And His Unquestionable Command

Avery was driving down the road, and while waiting for the red light to turn green, she was constantly pondering over the words of her senior, Beatrix.

Prior to that, Beatrix said, “Avery, with your talent in design and your brilliant mind, why are you content with being an ordinary housewife? Weren't you once dreaming of becoming the world's top architect? People, when they stay in a comfortable environment for too long, tend to become lazy. If you have strong self-discipline and restraint, that's fine. Otherwise, you might spend your whole life soaking in that honey pot lifestyle, unwilling to turn over a new leaf. I believe that with your current situation, whether it's your innate abilities or your acquired resources, you have more than enough to start a company. You should give it a try. We should seize the opportunity to strive and take risks while we're young, so we won't have regrets when we're old.”

In truth, Avery didn't really want to be a housewife.

These days, however, Avery had been at home taking care of her grandfather, spending time with the kids, reading books in her spare time, and tending to her flowers. Life was truly relaxed and comfortable. To be honest, I really enjoy this kind of life. Grandpa is in good health, the kids are smart and clever, and Hubby is extremely affectionate toward me.

Avery even thought living like that for the rest of her life wouldn't be so bad.

Unbeknownst to her, immersed in a life of comfort, she had indeed developed a sense of inertia, yet she remained oblivious to it.

The words of Beatrix served as a wake-up call for Avery, making her suddenly realize that she had actually developed such a terrifying thought.

Starting her own company was something Avery had once considered.

However, starting a company required operational funds, strong management, and the recruitment of employees, among other things. It would be tiring and worrisome, requiring people, finances, and resources. Missing any of those elements was not an option. Initially, all she had was a knack for design, lacking the other necessary conditions.

Later on, she served as the acting CEO of Trident Group. She was swamped daily with endless official duties, countless meetings, and incessant business trips. It was so hectic that it left her completely worn out and exhausted. However, seeing the company's performance steadily improving under her leadership, a sense of indescribable pride would spontaneously well up in Avery's heart.

Avery rolled down the car window, gazing at the bustling traffic on the road and the crowds on both sides of the street. Suddenly, several lines of song lyrics came to mind. Having trodden every difficult step, I still move forward, undeterred by the heights. The wind whispers in my ear, inspiring me like a song, urging me to take each step with care and determination. After traversing many rugged paths, only then did I realize the horizon was even higher...

Avery pondered. She was still in the prime of her life. Indeed, she was supposed to seize her youth to strive harder and put in more effort. When I grow old, I will have the right and means to squander the twilight years of my life. Indeed, starting a company is feasible.

With that in mind, Avery decided to return and have a thorough discussion with Cayden, seeking his advice on the experience of starting a company.

Knowing that the police had taken Nicole away, Avery was certain her parents were busy dealing with her situation.

Hence, she planned to return to the Lambert residence first.

Even though Avery had always been indifferent toward Nicole. As her nominal sister, she still called their mother to inquire about her. “Mom, is Nickie okay?”

Claire's voice sounded very tired when she replied, “It's nothing serious, Ery. Your dad and I are a bit busy right now and can't entertain you. You should take Cal back to your place first. Once things settle down at home in a couple of days, we'll come to visit you.”

A pang of unease suddenly gripped Avery's heart. “Mom, Nickie wouldn't really touch that, would she?”

On the other end of the phone, Claire remained silent for a long time.

Just when Avery thought the connection had been cut off, Claire answered, “You don't need to worry about her matters. Your father and I will handle it. Ery, I have some things to deal with here, I'll hang up now.”

“Mom? Mom?”

Avery wanted to say something else, but all she heard was the beeping sound of a disconnected call from her cell phone. Claire had already hung up on the other end.

She was determined to call her father, William, but his phone was constantly switched off, making Avery increasingly worried.

In the end, she couldn't help but dial Cayden's number.

The phone rang for a few seconds before it was picked up. Cayden's deep, magnetic voice came through. “Hey, Honey!”

“Cayden, I—”

Before Avery could finish her sentence, the green light came on. The blaring horns from the cars behind her started to sound, urging her to move.

Avery started the engine and began to drive. Suddenly, she noticed an elderly person who seemed to be jaywalking.

She was so startled that she hastily hit the brakes. The tires screeched against the asphalt, producing a sharp noise.

Due to inertia, Avery was propelled forward, but she was promptly bounced back into her seat because she was wearing a seatbelt.

The old man crossed the road unscathed, yet he didn't offer her any appreciative smile.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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