Chapter 69

Rosalie watched the nurse’s work in silence throughout. Even when she saw the unsightly wounds on her palm, her expression remained unchanged.

It wasn’t until the nurse rebandaged Rosalie’s right hand, causing a slight twinge of pain, that her eyebrows furrowed involuntarily, but she didn’t make a sound or cry out in pain.

“Let me do it. You can go now,” Jonathan said to the nurse.

The nurse then respectfully left the room. Jonathan took the gauze and skillfully wrapped it around Rosalie’s right hand. His movements were gentle and cautious, which almost made her right hand feel no pain at all.

Once the bandaging was done, he put down the gauze and said, “Try not to use your right hand for the next few days and don’t clench your fist tightly like you did just now. How much more blood do you want to lose?”

She looked at the neatly wrapped bandage he had applied. “You seem quite skilled at this.”

A fleeting darkness passed through his eyes. “I learned some basic bandaging when I was a kid.” Back then, his father had searched everywhere for his mother, and sometimes, he would grab anyone who looked remotely like her on the street, leading to his fair share of beatings.

Thus, he had often ended up tending to his father’s wounds, and over time, he became skilled at it.

But after his father’s death, he hadn’t bandaged anyone until now. Rosalie was an exception.

“Don’t grab broken mirror shards like that again from now on. You got lucky this time for not damaging any Otherwise, your hand might have been permanently disabled,” Jonathan warned.


Rosalie bit her lip. “But if I hadn’t done that last night, I wouldn’t have been able to stay conscious. I might have passed out, and then…. Who knows what they would have done to me.”

“Does it hurt?” he asked. The scene from last night, with her clutching the shards and blood steadily dripping from her hands when he barged in was still etched in his mind.

He had never seen a woman exhibit such incredible willpower. Even in a state of semi-consciousness, her determination held firm

“Actually, this pain is nothing to me. Jon, do you know? Even if you had lied to me. I’m still grateful to you for saving me yesterday. In the past, when I

became what I deserved.”

took a deep breath and continued, “But last night was different. When I was in pain, you came, and it made me feel like I wasn’t

softly, unaware that his expression had subtly soured as she spoke..

Jonathan regretted, it was that he had allowed

hadn’t cared about the suffering of a woman in jail, and even if someone died there, it

he didn’t want her to


at him in puzzlement. “What are you apologizing for? If you hadn’t come yesterday, I wouldn’t


he was apologizing for what happened last night. When she considered what her fate might have been if

family and forced to bear a child for them. The thought

was afraid that

wealthy individual who possibly had business dealings with the Youngblood family. After all, the Youngblood family had its fingers in many pies in Strico. Some industries were even monopolized by them, leading to the city occasionally

throat tightened slightly. At this moment, he couldn’t bring himself

had planned to reveal

long hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her face was adorned with a hint of pallor. Her almond-shaped eyes, with a

to it at the

life had already burdened her with too much weight and hardship, and

in the hospital. Don’t dwell on anything else. Once you’re discharged, I’ll tell you. who I am.

at him


worries out, Rosalie yawned, and her

might be a bit drowsy these days,” Jonathan said as he helped Rosalie lie down

sleep in no time.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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