Chapter 78

Zachary knew that Jonathan was in a relationship with Rosalie. However, Zendaya exposed Jonathan’s identity to Rosalie at the worst timing.

“Then have Zendaya come to the hospital.” Jonathan ordered.

“Yes,” Carlos replied. Then, he continued. “The incident of the reporter sneaking into the hospital last time has been investigated. The news of Ms. Leighton’s admission was first posted by a nurse here on Instagram. Later, someone uploaded it to the Internet. Although all relevant contents have been deleted, it is uncertain how many people have seen them.”

“Hold the nurse legally accountable, and strengthen the guard around the hospital. I don’t want anyone to break into the ward next time,” said Jonathan coldly.

Carlos promised, “I understand. It won’t happen.”

Meanwhile, Zendaya was extremely anxious in the Xanthos residence after blurting out in front of Lillian. She wouldn’t have looked for trouble with Lillian if she had known. At that moment, Zendaya was afraid.

If Lillian had suspected something and told Rosalie, it would be bad for Zendaya.

As Zendaya thought of the previous lesson where she got her leg fractured, and it had not yet recovered, she did not know what would happen to her at that moment.

Zachary was looking at Zendaya, who had bandages on one foot and walking around the living room from time to time on crutches. He couldn’t help but ask, “Zendaya, what’s wrong? You seem restless. Did you get into trouble again?”

That day, Zendaya’s parents went out to visit their friends. Initially. Zachary was supposed to go with them, but Zendaya asked him to accompany her. As a result, he stayed at home.

Zendaya finally made up her mind and said, “Zach, help me. That day, I accidentally told someone that Jonathan was in at relationship with Rosalie.”

Zachary jumped off the couch. “What? Who did you tell?”

“Rosalie’s friend. I think it’s Lillian. I wonder if she has told Rosalie. If Rosalie told Jonathan, would Jonathan make things difficult for me?” Zendaya felt uneasy.

a housekeeper suddenly came to report that the personal assistant of the Youngblood family had arrived and

they exchanged helpless glances and

one dared to refuse when Jonathan asked

the car nervously. When they arrived at the hospital, Zachary was stopped outside the ward. Carlos only

stay in it. Zendaya looked at Rosalie, who sat on the hospital bed and dressed in

VIP ward when her leg was fractured. Zendaya couldn’t believe

in that ward

ill. Zendaya didn’t know what kind of


saw Jonathan sitting on the

trousers, looking relaxed and attractive. Men like Jonathan were the dreams of Strico’s socialites. However, some did not end

she could be so close to Jonathan. But at




know why

the second day of New Year, your friend, Lillian. met Ms. Xanthos. She made things difficult

mall that day. Zendaya knew that Lillian was Rosalie’s friend. If she bumped into


Chapter 78

heard Jonathan call Rosalie intimately, her eyes widened

inwardly, “No way! In Strico, which woman could afford Jonathan

addressed a sanitary worker

to know how she made things difficult for your friend

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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