Chapter 87

“Wait a minute…” Rosalie shivered at her thought. She stared at the man in astonishment and wondered how he knew the bracelet was with her.

She had discovered it in her workwear pocket when she got off her late shift.

Yet, this man knew not only that the bracelet was with her but also where she lived, and even broke into her place silently.

She couldn’t help but wonder who on earth this man was and capable of such actions.

“What kind of reward do you want for finding this bracelet? As long as it’s not excessive, I can grant your request,” Calvin said, looking down at the woman in front of him.

Originally, he could have just taken the bracelet and left. However, when he saw her sleeping face, he decided to stay longer.

Perhaps he wanted to see how her eyes would look when they opened.

And now, as her eyes blinked open, he saw a pair of exquisitely beautiful almond-shaped eyes. Her pupils were pitch-black, and her eyes had a striking contrast of black and white. Her curled eyelashes added a touch of charm to her eyes.

However, the light that emanated from her eyes was strangely mature and not in line with her age.

It was as though she had weathered too much hardship, losing the vitality that should have been there and having resigned

to fate.

Rosalie didn’t know who this man before her was, but he seemed to exude a similar aura to Jonathan.

And now, she couldn’t afford to provoke such a kind of person.

considered to have found it, so you don’t need to

He didn’t expect that a woman who just lived in such a small room and worked as a

if the reward I want to give you could change your life,

help but think of the words Jonathan had said to her in the past. They were indeed remarkably alike,

she didn’t want to be changed or controlled by others; she wanted to keep it in

the original owner, and I didn’t do

closer to her face, his dark phoenix-like

instinctively grabbed the blanket covering her body tightly as she stared at the man

had no idea who this man was or what he intended to do, but he had silently entered her room on this late night. Even if he truly had any

man’s cold and indifferent voice broke the silence, “Are you saying this

even know who you are. You’ve got the bracelet now, can you leave?

fingers traced the small silver bracelet in his hand. His gaze landed on her face as he parted his thin lips and said, “I am Calvin. Now you know who

had heard of

the entertainment industry. There were even rumors that in the entertainment industry if Calvin wanted someone to be famous, They would be famous. If he wanted to ruin someone’s career, that person would never make it

in the entertainment industry was

Calvin when she was dating Zachary. Although the Xanthos family was considered

not qualified to associate himself with Calvin.

the Environment and Sanitation Administration. They claimed he was cold and difficult to get along with but had a string of girlfriends. Furthermore, he had a track record of elevating each of his previous girlfriends to fame during their relationships. And once they

though Calvin was powerful in the entertainment industry, he was not a two-timer. When he was with a woman, regardless of how brief the relationship might be, he remained faithful during that time.

he had never

fact, all the

countless women dreamed of being in a relationship with Calvin. They envisioned the benefits of being showered with affection by such a handsome

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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