Chapter 100

“Sometimes, it’s better not to be so curious.” Calvin looked away and started driving the car.

“All right. I understand, Loretta said obediently.

She had inquired about Calvin’s preference. He preferred submissive women. The more obedient they were, the longer they could stay with him. Those women who relied on his favor and desperately wished to be the “exception” or his “only one” were all dumped by him.

Although she also desired to be the “exception” and “only one,” she wouldn’t be in a hurry. She would slowly make Calvin value her more.

“Calvin, thank you for buying me the necklace today. I like it so much. But I’m afraid I don’t have a chance to wear such a beautiful and luxurious necklace.” Loretta appeared happy at first, then regretful.

Loretta thought her performance was perfect. However, Calvin thought it was somewhat ridiculous.

After all, he had seen too many women acting. He replied, “You can wear it for the Starlight Banquet.”

Loretta was overjoyed. Then, she added, “But I’m just a new actor now. I’m afraid I won’t get an invitation to the Starlight Banquet.”

“You don’t need an invitation to get there. Just follow me. I’ll introduce some directors and producers to you,” Calvin said. Loretta immediately replied, “Calvin, you are so nice!”

Calvin drove the car with a cold gaze throughout.

He knew what Loretta desired, so he said it. After all, she was his girlfriend at the moment.

He didn’t mind giving her some benefits, as long as she could bring him some comfort.

When the car arrived at the gate of the Leighton residence, Loretta said affectionately, “Calvin, thank you for driving me home. Would you… like to come in?”

“No,” he rejected, slowly approaching her face.

Loretta’s heart raced, and she thought, “Is he going to kiss me?”

stroked her lips and gently wiped off some

his finger, and then said faintly. “Don’t apply this, color next time.

get it,” Loretta

he instructed in an emotionless tone,

as Loretta got out of the car, the car sped

across her face. She couldn’t figure out why Calvin appeared to be willing to do anything to please

her acting

at all. He even looked at her coldly

just begun. I’m sure I’ll win Calvin’s heart,” Loretta comforted

Rosalie with Jonathan now?” This doubt lingered in Loretta’s mind.

to the

told Carlos, who had

eyes flashed with surprise. But after working for Jonathan for many years, he naturally

right,” Carlos answered and left

Youngblood asked him to leave first, does that mean

there were

take off her shoes and coat, then covered her with the quilt. He pulled a chair and

time. The “traces” of his past living in this house appeared to be gone. Jonathan wondered,


Chapter 100

Rosalie, who was sleeping, suddenly opened her eyes and tried to get


in a daze,

thought, “She must be thirsty after drinking so much wine earlier.”

her to sit on the bed. “Sit still. I’ll get you

the water by herself now, she might be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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