"No, Everett! That was my last shot. Do you want me to die?!" She clutched at Everett's shirt collar with a manic desperation, biting down hard and pounding at him with her fists.

Everett didn't flinch, not so much as a furrow in his brow, as he let her vent her fury.

Gradually, Dorothy's strength ebbed away.

"Everett, my mom didn't do anything wrong. Why was she the one to get killed. It should have been me. Why didn't your mom just finish the job and take me out too. Everett, since you could erase the video, can you just erase me too? I'm so tired, I'm really just so tired." Tears brimmed and spilled over, streaking down her cheeks.

Everett lifted a hand, gently wiping them away.

But the tears wouldn't stop, so he kept wiping them one by one, as if this simple act could make her stop crying.

your mind made up, didn't you? Ready to stand against me the moment you got the evidence, to raise your banner in defiance and cast me as your enemy." Everett

could he never

out a sigh, stepping back to put some distance between them, "After these last three days, I'll let you go." Everett had

hold on, or maybe he never really

"Byte 7 only recovered a fragment, and I bet he made demands in exchange for the full thing, right? In three days, I'll give you

no fool. The video Byte 7 recovered has a self-destruct code and comes with a virus that infects the restorers computer. Heather and my mom set it up that way on purpose,

instant, leaving her with nothing to present in

copied the video earlier and then deeply destroyed it, wiping out the tracing code as well, which meant

it would be

why didn't Everett just say so from the

he wanted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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