Now, Quincy had Everett tightly controlled with that antidote. As long as Everett cared about Dorothy's well-being, he was at Quincy's mercy. If anything happened to Quincy, Dorothy would be doomed as well.

Everett walked into the living room, breaking the silence as Dorothy's fingers paused over her keyboard. She turned to look at him, "What's up?" "Got any big plans for your project tomorrow?" "Just need to double-check the order quantities, nothing much." "I was thinking of taking you for a health check-up." Dorothy frowned slightly, "I'm fine, really. No need for that." She wasn't a fan of hospitals.

"Con, it's for your own good." "Who's the doctor? Dr. Quincy?" Everett hesitated for a split second before nodding, "Yeah." "That settles it, then. I'm not going. Everett, even though I don't know the full story between you and Dr. Quincy, I can guess she's using this as leverage over you, right?" It was clear to Dorothy that Everett's interactions with Quincy were different from his dealings with other women. If back in Swevia Country, Quincy had just cured Everett and they had kept in touch out of gratitude, Dorothy wouldn't have found it strange. After all, a life saved is a life indebted.

allowed her any close contact! And

only explanation Dorothy could think of

said, though his answer might as well have been

money, without expecting any return on investment. It's practically charity! Fine, let's say say the Lopez family and hers are close, and

Billions? Have you lost your mind?" Dorothy had suspected as much, but having it confirmed was another level of shock, "That money could have paid for any other doctor to treathundreds, thousands of times over! Quincy's taking advantage of the situation!" If Quincy had demanded such a price

this when it was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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