Eleanor had always carried a torch for someone else. Yet, circumstances had made it impossible for them to be together, leading her to start dating Kenneth.

But that didn't mean she couldn't fall for Kenneth over time! It's a common tale; spending day in, day out with someone, it's hard not to develop feelings.

Every time Kenneth called her "Dorothy," Eleanor's heart ached with curiosity - which "Dorothy" was he really calling for? Yet, she never asked, she kept her feelings buried deep. As long as she didn't voice it out, the "Dorothy" Kenneth called for was her, in her heart.

Could this charade go on forever? Get married, have kids, what did it matter if she was just a stand-in? Eleanor couldn't help but feel she was even less than an old flame that Kenneth hadn't seen for ages. With enough time, he would forget, she hoped. But when push came to shove, it was still "Dorothy" that escaped his lips. Always her!

"Kenneth has liked her for ages, and you knew it! He never lied to you! If you can't handle it, why not just break up?" Karen was fiercely protective of her friend, and she had never liked Eleanor much to begin with. Now, she liked her even less.

At least for the moment, I am! If Kenneth were to, say, lose a limb, I'd still stand by him. Why don't you get Dorothy to come and be with Kenneth if you're so

a loss for words, and Jeffrey quickly intervened with a stern look, "Watch your tone, or I'll have you removed." He didn't care about the fairness of the argument; his people were

because you've got the numbers? Fine! Let's see who else besides me would want Kenneth if he were to lose a


and frustration boiling

Maybe what they needed was simply more communication. Yet, here she was, driven away by Karen's words, feeling more alienated from Kenneth's family than ever. If that's how it was going to be, then so be

"Jeffrey... do you think there's any chance for a miracle? Kenneth


greater tragedy than any physical disability. Karen knew this logic well, but guilt gnawed at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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