Everett felt a pang of guilt, recognizing his own failures as a son. The moment he received the news of his mother's passing, his mind raced not to her, but to Dorothy. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her too.

Everett had developed a phobia of emergency rooms, having seen his mother wheeled into them countless times. Now, it was Dorothy's turn, and the thought was unbearable.

In his desperation, Everett even considered the unthinkable-if it meant keeping Dorothy alive, he'd let her be with Kenneth. At least, if she was alive, he could catch glimpses of her from afar, and Abigail and Langston would still have their mother.

"Man, I'll do everything I can to help you out, Everett. You've put so much of your heart into this. If there's any justice up there, it's time it showed its face. You can't be the only one paying the price for being genuine," Jeffrey said, his voice heavy with concern. He hated seeing his buddy in pain.

Life with Dorothy seemed to be an endless series of hurdles, just because of their different backgrounds. Why did being together have to be so difficult?


After being discharged from the hospital, Dorothy quickly sorted out her work projects. Knowing Everett was overwhelmed with his mother's passing, she didn't want to add to his worries.

Dorothy checked Everett's company account online, which showed he was still active. He had promised the kids he'd be home after

for Everett's return seemed endless, prompting Dorothy to start cleaning up their Bay Residence to make the place more comfortable for

chores, Dorothy's phone rang. It was Karen on the other end. Dorothy braced herself, hoping it wasn't bad

up?" Dorothy asked, trying to

with a laugh.


but my brother and I could see right through you. Jeffrey probably

thought she was doing a good job hiding

going on? Did you and Everett have a fight

we fight?"

voice laced with frustration. "What's the use of hiding? You don't have to tell the whole world,

emotions. She was touched by Karen's concern but struggled with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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