Chapter 113 That Is Not My Home

Daphne chuckled. “You two sure have a good rapport

Adrian and Josiah exchanged a glance, quickly averting their eyes thereafter.

Daphne had no patience for Josiah. She turned directly to Adrian and said, “Adrian, what do you think?”

Adrian said, “It’s nothing major, just a reminder for Lysander. We proceeded with the surgery before. getting Priscilla’s husband’s signature earlier. We need to get that sorted later to ensure proper procedure.”

At the hospital, every task was carried out following stringent procedures.

If the procedure went wrong, no amount of explanation would clear up any future disputes between the doctor and the patient.

Lysander nodded. “Okay, thank you for the reminder I understand.”

However, from the moment she left the operating room up until now, there had been no sight of Harry here.

She asked Daphne, “Where is he?”

When this topic came up, Daphne couldn’t help but chuckle for a while. “Speaking of Harry, he really is excessively devoted to his business. His wife was lying in the operating room, and it wasn’t even certain if the child could be saved, yet what he cared about the most was still his own work.”

Lysander was confused. “What do you mean?”

gestured toward Josiah and commented, “Well, that’s a question for Mr. Guerra. His woma out there, heavily pregnant, and he isn’t accompanying her. Instead, he’s

understood. “So… Harry is

hastily clarified. “He and Lysanne were acquaintances already. They met back in Stounia. It’s just two friends catching up on old

a speechless expression. “Well, you might want to ask her if the child she’s carrying in her

Josiah knew that


“Harry had returned to

assumed. At least, Harry had no connection to the child she was

with ch nonrence and che inet coffed carcastically “Whor’e with

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1 Coins

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113 That Is Not

one is even more ridiculous, neglecting his wife and child to accompany a

words “old friend”, making it clear to everyone present that

“Everyone has their own set of beliefs and values. It’s perfectly normal that

“Wait, Lysander-”

quickly took a few steps to catch up with her, handing her

was a small, square-shaped box,

I don’t want anyone to accuse me of being

not a wedding ring,” said Josiah, “My mother asked

of skepticism


It was very light, almost weightless in her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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