Chapter 117 I Am Not Feeling Well

Lysander wondered if Gerra Group had also developed this neighborhood when she saw Josiah

No way.

This residential arra has enarna conquite some time, and it’s nestled in the old part of the city. As far as 1! know, the properties developed in Sir Group are primarily located in Bluelard District, which is at least twenty to thirre kilometers away mon lier.

“Did you go shopping?” Josiah casually strolled over. “Why didn’t Daphne go with you?”

As he spoke, he reached out, intending to tik tie wo bags from her hands.

Lysander subtly shifted to evade in hamil. Witt tioutyou? What brings you here? Don’t you have work?”

An unusual blush of crimson spread aurres tosan sace and his gaze was slightly glazed. “A friend was hosting a party for their child. It was just hary


Josiah seemed extremely sensitive to these two word, man, a buddy”

“You don’t need to explain this to me. Were a diverted. You should say this to Lysanne.”

Josiah instantly furrowed his brows in irritation. Tidon wano talk to her.”

That day, Josiah seemed a bit childish.

His conduct deviated significantly from his usual chitone Inc.

Without considering her objections, he forcefully took the two



from her

the door, looking back

you need from


WWe’ll talk upstairs

Lybundnder stood still.

steps forward, but noticing she hadn’t followed, lie liadnutiuorgel

of food


327 +0

1 Coins 1 Pearls

1171 Am Not Feeling

a bit.

you’re not feeling well,

“Aren’t you a doctor?”

“I’m a gynecologist.”

you? You should be able to treat

to save money

swiftly, “You may as well

you know I moved

me rest upstairs for a bit, then

her eyes

smile. “You don’t need to look at me like that. Even if I were the worst of men, I wouldn’t do anything to harm

withdrew her gaze. “I’m not worried about this. As the esteemed Mr. Guerra,

forward. “Let’s head home first. I’m really

so swiftly that

leaving Lysander with no choice but to jog lightly

the elevator area, Josiah was already inside the elevator. He was holding the two shopping bags in one hand, while using the other to keep

moment before deciding to step

outside in the open air, but the moment the elevator doors sealed. shut, the area felt restricted. A

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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