Chapter 409 Private Jet

“Could you possibly relay a message to Mr. Gucira for me? The collaboration with Riveron Corporation is crucial for the Everhart family. Given the vast array of options available to Guerra Group, there’s no need for it to fixate on Riveron Corporation, is there?”

Lysander was left utterly bewildered. “What’s this about Riveron Corporation?”

Daphne was originally engrossed in her phone. Upon hearing those words, she became somewhat flustered, tossing aside the cutlery she was holding. “Dad, what are you saying? What’s all this about Riveron Corporation and mergers? Moreover, Lysander and Josiah are already divorced. They have no relationship with each other anymore. You know that!”

Rufus sighed. “Of course I know, but… Well, let me just be frank with you. The Everhart family has been in partnership with the Riveron Corporation for over a decade, and our relationship has always been solid. However, this year, Guerra Group unexpectedly extended an offer to Riveron Corporation, and they immediately signed a contract. A project that was about to break ground has now come to a halt due to issues with procuring building materials. As you know, every day on the construction site costs money!”

Lysander furrowed her brows slightly. “Mr. Everhart, I don’t really understand these business matters. Even when we were married, I never interfered with Josiah’s work. And now, we’ve already divorced… I’m afraid I may not be of any help with this.”

“I understand. This matter must put you in a difficult position. However, when you were trapped in a fire, I saw with my own eyes how Mr. Guerra risked his life to save you. There’s no doubt that you hold a special place in his heart. Lysander, I wouldn’t have come to you if I wasn’t out of options.”

Daphine hurriedly exclaimed, “Dad, are you losing your mind? Lysander already said she didn’t understand. Aren’t you deliberately making things difficult for her?”

“Harper, Lysander was married to Josiah for three years. I know you two are close, but have I ever asked. her for a favor? If it weren’t for this emergency, I wouldn’t have swallowed my pride…” Rufus rambled on. roughly explaining the situation.

At last, Lysander had finally understood what was going on.

The Everhart family was in the business of materials, dealing in everything from renovation materials to interior decoration supplies.

Their primary clientele consisted of major construction firms, which included Guerra Group. Guerra Group could be considered the Everhart family’s biggest client.

Riveron Corporation, meanwhile, was a small–scale supplier. The Everhart family would source raw materials from Riveron Corporation, process those materials, and then transform them into various construction materials needed by clients, earning the processing fees in between.

However, Guerra Group suddenly and directly worked with Riveron Corporation. The former had even invested in a factory for the latter. That essentially meant the two were bypassing the Everhart family to work together.

The capital that the Everhart family had initially invested was all borrowed from the bank. If they lost that business deal, they wouldn’t just be unable to repay the principal amount, but the already constructed factory might even be auctioned off by the bank.

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22:48 Mon, 3 Jun

Chapter 409 Private Jet

is no

it, just sell the apartment you bought for me and my

enough money! Even the interest alone

could finish speaking,

the caller ID, Rufus

he shouted, “What?! Call 911 first. I’ll be there

noticed her father’s pale complexion and knew something

condition has suddenly worsened. We need to

me come with you. I did study medicine, after all. There’s a chance I might be able to

and was at her wit’s end. “All right,

parents, “You two

grabbing her coat, she quickly followed the Everhart family

back to the Everhart residence, the ambulance

the ambulance, and Lysander hopped in right

“Dr. Thorne?” said someone.

over, recognizing the individual speaking. “Dr. Ivan. The patient is an

shook his head slightly. “It doesn’t look

say she was stable before? Why is this happening so

After the surgery, her condition stabilized. However, her blood vessels are fragile, and there’s

of heaviness settled in

instantly that the situation was indeed grave. She asked anxiously,

preliminary diagnosis. We need to get to the hospital for a cranial CT scan to confirm. If

he spoke, he cast a

“Let’s first take a look at the CT

a noi, simply uttering,

staff quickly coordinated

was somewhat acquainted with Lysander, looked at the scans and explained, “There is a substantial


A piercing sound echoed.

knocking over



ashen. “Doctor, if we proceed with

is quite elderly, and a craniotomy is a major surgery. The risks involved are significantly higher for them than for the average person. However, if we don’t proceed with the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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