Chapter 432 The Air Is Filled With Tension

Josiah? What’s he doing here?

Lysander took another look at the kindly–looking lady standing in front of her. Her face was unfamiliar, yet her efficient and quick movements reminded Lysander somewhat of Eleanor.

Is she a housekeeper? Then who’s the new neighbort

“Aiden, do we have any aspirin at home?” another voice called out, sounding strained.

“You just moved in, how could everything be perfectly in place? Just wait a bit, Josiah, I’ll call for an errand runner for you.”

“Hurry up, my head is killing me.” The weariness in Josiah’s voice was more pronounced than it had been at the billiard lounge, impossible to overlook.

In her moment of hesitation. Aiden emerged from the neighboring doorway, glancing around before his eyes fell on the unfolding scene. “Martha, what’s taking you so long- he began, but his words trailed off as he caught sight of his surroundings, inhaling sharply. “Adrian? What are you doing here? You… Were you with Lysander last night?”

Martha chuckled lightly, adding to the confusion, “So, you two know each other?”

Aiden, looking flustered, asked in a whisper filled with urgency, “Adrian, weren’t you in Stounia?”

Adrian replied calmly, “I just got back last night.”

“You came straight here after returning? Did you also spend the night at Lysander’s place?”

Martha interjected with a laugh, “They’re a married couple, after all. There’s nothing unusual about them sleeping together.”

Aiden appeared visibly agitated, stamping his foot as he exclaimed, “Martha, please, no more talking! Isn’t it chaotic enough already? You should hurry back to the kitchen, go on, quickly now.”

seemed close to tears at the misunderstanding. They’re not the

pushed away Adrian’s arm and steadied herself against the door frame, slipping her shoes

withdrew his arm, maintaining his composure as he addressed Aiden, “You go ahead, I need to have

Lysander murmured an acknowledgment.

address the lingering questions, “What brings you here? Was the mansion that Mom and Dad bought for you not comfortable? Why would you choose to live in such a small

“Previously, Josiah had a project nearby. Madam Susan had trouble sleeping, and he didn’t want his late returns to disturb her. So, he asked me to find a suitable house for him. I ended up renting this place.



432 The Air Is Filled

flickering back and forth between Adrian and

is with Lysander,

from the next room, dressed in casual home clothes, his face more haggard and pale than usual, betraying his exhaustion. He furrowed his brows as he inquired,

Aiden hastily tried to deflect, but it

looked toward Adrian, who had shown up at Lysander’s doorstep early in the morning. His expression,

Guerra, have you recently

by the

carrying a bottle of medicine, which

an eyebrow

take one tablet at a time,” she instructed

gave her a long look, his

eager to ease the tension, gratefully took

“You were at the billiard lounge quite late last night. Why did you go out drinking so much?

he had either been drinking heavily or had

curt, “I have my work schedule to maintain. Some matters involve company secrets, and it’s not

was the first to look away, feeling an

slightly forward, positioning himself between Lysander and Josiah, trying to diffuse the situation. “Let’s set aside work discussions for now. It appears it will be a while before the housekeeper finishes preparing breakfast. Why don’t you join us for

air was

no, Martha is just about to finish.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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