Chapter 441 A Thief In The House

As he spoke, he reached into the box he’d brought along and pulled out a brand–new bedside lamp. Then, with deft movements, he disassembled it into its component parts.

The desk lamp wasn’t particularly large, but its frame’s weight was substantial. Adrian, holding it along with the numerous bags of purchases from the supermarket, had been standing there for quite a while. It was indeed no easy feat.

Lysander had a moment of hesitation, but in the end, she steeled herself and did not help him bedroom door.



Adrian was a man of refined manners. He wouldn’t enter her bedroom without her permission, even if the door was left slightly ajar. He sought her consent, saying, “I can help you change it. It will be quick.”

Lysander rose and moved to the bedroom doorway. Looking at Adrian’s hand, she said, “You’re a doctor, and your hands are invaluable. I can’t bear it if they were to get injured.

Adrian was somewhat taken aback. “What about your lamp, then?”

“That lamp has been in use for quite some time. I’ll just have the property management take it down and then purchase a new one,” Lysander suggested, her voice casual yet her gaze unwavering as she looked at him.

Adrian slowly put down the lampstand and began to repack the toolbox he had previously opened. He admitted, somewhat helplessly, “You’re right. If it broken, we can just buy a new one.”

He knew Lysander was intelligent, and sooner or later, she would realize that his so–called errands and lamp repairs were merely excuses to see her. But he didn’t expect that moment to come so swiftly.

He had only been back in the country for two days.

With a glimmer of hope, Adrian looked toward Lysander. Her impassive response gave him his answer. A wave of guilt surged within him, prompting him to take the initiative to apologize. “I’m sorry for causing you trouble again tonight.”

“You don’t need to apologize, but… Lysander paused for a moment then added deliberately. “Goodbye, drive safely.

She didn’t attempt to retain Adrian. Instead, she subtly showed him the door. Even her reminders were by the book, not giving him a shred of undeserved hope.

Adrian’s heart dropped. “All right.”

White Coat had been patiently waiting for him to take it for a walk. Seeing him about to leave after such a brief stay, it dashed over and bit onto the hem of his trousers, continuously whimpering in protest.

Lysander whispered, “White Coal, let g


her words and began to circle around Adrian again. He was wary of stepping on such a tiny puppy and found himself in a predicament, hesitant to

Awoo! tool


A Thief In The

care of White Coat for such a long time, so how could

a difficult position,

to the vet for

he spoke to Lysander. “I’ll be on

him farewell.

help but

Lysander replied succinctly, not wanting

closed with a

a full day of hustle and bustle, Lysander was truly exhausted. After taking a hot bath, she quickly changed into her pajamas and

subtle rustling noises from the

the world was still cloaked in an inky darkness, illuminated only by the scattered,

White Coat

for wreaking havoc around the house. On several recent occasions, she had found the rascal gnawing on the legs

so be it.

the blanket over her ears, intending to

something seemed off about the sounds emanating from the living

was definitely not a

first instinct was to reach

here had been broken for a while, and she had

of this event

My phone! She had left it on the coffee table in



Thief In The

footsteps had faded away, replaced by the frantic noise of


It was White Coat!

presence of a stranger in

of the warning

pain. The puppy’s cries were sharp and shrill, causing a sudden pang

waited for a few seconds, yet the terrified cries from White Coat escalated, gradually morphing

floor, gently and carefully pulling the bedroom door open just a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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