Chapter 591 The Tables Have Turned

Lysander offered no response to the previous conversation.


However, Josiah found an opening to share his thoughts, stating contemplatively. “The notions of ‘good people‘ and ‘bad people‘ are overly simplistic classifications, reminiscent of a child’s viewpoint. When you truly immerse yourself in the complexities of society, you’ll discover that individuals exhibit a myriad of traits. Life isn’t merely a matter of black and white distinctions.”


tone of slight accusation, Joseph inquired, “Are you suggesting that Ms. Thorne possesses some bad traits?”

Josiah’s expression darkened as he quickly corrected him, “Do not twist my words.”

All I meant was that your understanding is somewhat naive.

However, Joseph countered, “But I agree with you. People are inherently complex. Given your stature and position, who knows what hidden layers you might possess?”

Josiah found himself speechless at this remark.

The conversation took a tense turn as Joseph added, “Even in the presence of Ms. Thorne, you hint at things about her. Though you’re here today to visit me while I’m ill, she remains my senior. We all hail from the same school, and I take no pleasure in hearing insinuations about one of our own.”

Josiah massaged his temples, his patience thinning. “Are you actually a basketball player or a member of the debate team?” Because you sure can ramble!

Joseph recoiled slightly, addressing Lysander directly, “Ms. Thorne, did I misspeak? Please don’t be I’m not very polished with my words and can be quite straightforward.”

Josiah could only muster a cold, sarcastic chuckle in response, “Ha!”


Observing the exchange, Lysander felt an eerie sense of déjà vu. It reminded her of the dynamics before their divorce, when similar conversations were common. However, back then she was married to Josiah, but now, post–divorce, their situations were distinctly different, both legally and morally.

With a keen observation, Lysander noted, “You have a knack for articulation; perhaps a career in law might suit you.”

Joseph pondered, “If I’m study law, isn’t a strong command of language essential? That’s crucial for understanding the lawbook. Ms. Thorne, language isn’t my strong suit. If you’re too busy to tutor me, maybe you could share some tips on improving my essay scores?”

Lysander suggested after a moment’s thought, “If you find some spare time, it could be beneficial to engage in more reading.”

Curious, Joseph asked, “What should I read, though? I’ve already tackled the four great classical novels, but they didn’t seem to help much. Could you recommend a few other books, Ms. Thorne?”

“I’ll need to think about it. I’ll have Mr. Owen send you some recommendations later,” Lysander responded.



The Tables Have Turned


Joseph, who returried a smug look. The tension between them was palpable, as

waiting for me; I suspect the papers on my desk are

quite to Lysander’s liking.

asked your teammates to bring your backpack when we admitted you here. A single ward like this is

arrange for someone to fetch your backpack from your school. Just tell me your class number and seat, and it’s done. Lysander, we’ve fulfilled our duty by visiting;

with a

his mountainous pile of exercise books arriving at the hospital but knew that as long

has been in good spirits lately. After the night

sports or academics, the higher your scores, the more doors will open for you. As long

a chick pecking at the ground.

you know Mr. Marcus? The one who teaches senior classes, his literature

our class: In fact, he’s supposed to come today


voice carried a tone of deep appreciation.

Mr. Marcus was incredibly patient in helping me solve numerous issues in the past. As long as you’re eager to learn, he’ll teach you earnestly. By the way, who is your homeroom teacher

Wren,” Joseph

flicker of surprise crossed Lysander’s face, “Really? He was my homeroom teacher as

Ms. Thome, it seems we truly share a strong connection,” Joseph

music teacher back in school. His only hindrance was his thinning hair, which seemed to



The Tables Have Turned

With a grin

teeth, Joseph responded jubilantly,


especially since she recently gave birth to twins. He hardly keeps

class these days.”

intently to Joseph’s stories about Wren and the music teacher, the smile on Lysanyler’s face. remained, reflecting her genuine happiness for her former mentors.

the school that Joseph had

Thorne, there’s something else I wanted

“What is it?”

has been whispering about it–the classroom at the end of the first floor in the laboratory building is supposedly haunted. They say that ten years ago, a senior girl died there! Rumor had it she hanged herself, trapped in a web of heartbreak. None of us dared to enter that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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