The Charming Ex–Wife

Chapter 608 I Can Do It If I Say I Can


Upon hearing Maverick pose such a question, Susan and Howard stopped their diversions. Instead, they held their breath and focused, eager to hear what he would say next.

The fact that he was willing to ask this question at least indicated that his feelings toward Josiah were no longer simply of pure disgust.

Maverick spoke with a heavy tone. “How can you be so sure that what you’re saying now is truly what you’ve thought through? Is there still a possibility that you might change your mind in the future?”

The words spoken were razor–sharp, accompanied by a curious gaze that seemed to delve deeply.

Josiah didn’t shy away or avoid, instead, he met Maverick’s gaze head–on, wanting to assure him of hist sincerity at that moment.

“Mr. Maverick, I understand that your wariness and aversion toward me stem entirely from your genuine concern for Lysander. I have always treated you and Mdm. Laura with the utmost respect. Whether or not what I’m saying is true, I believe you should be able to discern from our interactions these past few days.”

He had always been at the mercy of Maverick, enduring both physical and verbal abuse without uttering a single word of complaint.

Maverick studied the scar still faintly visible on his brow, his demeanor softening a bit as he continued, “For

now, I’ll assume you’re sincere. But as for the future… who can really say?”

ast actions.

With utmost sincerity, Josiah responded, “I can swear to you right now that I truly regret my past From now on, I will only love Lysander wholeheartedly, this will never change again.”

He was so resolute in his attitude that he almost didn’t know how to prove his feelings anymore.

Knowing her son better than anyone else, Susan could tell that he was speaking from his heart. She couldn’t help but add, “He expressed his intentions to me a while ago, saying he would marry no one but Lysander in this lifetime. I’ve even considered visiting an orphanage to adopt a child to raise as my grandchild. Let the youngsters deal with it themselves, I’m not butting in.”

lashes, he realized she didn’t seem

only expressing your own thoughts. Have you considered what Lysander wants?” His tone softened

openly bared his heart in front of

her is my own affair. She doesn’t need to respond or repay me in any way. Regardless of whether she chooses to return to me and remarry, I will treat her well for the

need for pretenses, all I ask is for you to keep your

Josiah spoke with a blend of respect and forthrightness.

Balance: 1438

Do It If I

had already made such a

well i have little patience for those who only know how to sweet–talk without substance. If you can back up your words with actions, then I will be

made Lysander pause in the middle of sipping her soup.


felt something was off about his words, and tried to steer the conversation away with a half–joke. “Didn’t you once say that you were okay with me staying at home forever? Are you tired of seeing

denied it. “Of course not, but Lysa, we as your elders, won’t always


shouldn’t… Lysander glanced at Josiah, feeling scorched by the intensity in his eyes, and quickly looked away. “Right now, I just want to focus on learning how to run the company. Once the company stable,

not saying you must get back together with him, but after observing him

on the corners of

while. Seeing him in such a state, she felt a genuine happiness for him. However, beneath

some of the tension between the two families. However, the crux of the matter still

feeling of having hope and then being let down was far more distressing than knowing from

softened stance toward Josiah, Howard expressed his surprise and relief. “As parents, our greatest wish is for our children to find a good home. It’s less about rushing them into marriage, and more about finding peace

if I had to be hospitalized alone, even with a nurse by my side. I’m not sure I could have made it through. To have someone by my side, unwavering

they naturally hoped that their long–lost biological daughter, who they had finally

to respond to them, all

Josiah to return next door. He was reluctant but understood that there would be plenty of opportunities in the future. So, he bid his

on Lysander’s condition.

Balance 1438-444

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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