The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 622 Every Word Boils Down To Science 


Lysander was well acquainted with the sting of solitude. Even though she had grown used to her own company. the feeling of isolation could still be overwhelmingly melancholic at times

Josiah, who had been quietly absorbing everything she shared, only expressed his sentiments once he fully grasped the depth of Lysander’s concerns. Life often doesn’t follow our plans, and saying goodbye is a part of that. But if you’re open to it. I’m here to stay by your side until the very end.he offered gently

сус to 

Lysander didn’t outright reject his offer, but she didn’t embrace it either. Touching the corner of her catch a tear, she responded softly, Your intentions are touching but a bit far from reality. You’re older than me, and since men generally have a shorter lifespan than women, the likelihood of you being by my side until the end is uncertain.” 

Josiah, sensing a sliver of opportunity, remained resolute. Then it’s up to me to take excellent care of myself. I’ll stick to a regular schedule, stay active, eat healthilyall to ensure I can keep up with you.” 

Lysander halfjoked in response. It seems like a lot of trouble. Perhaps it would be simpler to find someone younger, so we could avoid the pain of parting by Teaving together.” 

Josiah paused to consider her words, taking a moment before responding

Lysander knew his intentions were genuine, especially considering how emotionally taxing recent events had been for her. He simply wanted to offer her support

Aware that she was somewhat taunting him with the age difference, she started to say, Josiah, I didn’t 

That wouldn’t be impossible,” he cut in suddenly, his voice calm yet earnest

Lysander was somewhat taken aback. What did you say?” 

that’s not

you think…” Lysander began, somewhat

I intend to keep that promise. If you choose not to remarry, I’ll still be here. And if you find someone else,

“Are you

else can make you

Josiah had once stepped back

Josiah admitted. “I


family if you choose not to marry?” Lysander queried.

planning to have/children? I’d help raise

puzzled. “Well, aren’t you



Word Boils Down To


child from an orphanage? It’s better to

care for a child not his own, much less bequeath his fortune to them. In

romance with you truly lacks

to science.” 

as quickly. “Perhaps someone with my disposition just isn’t meant

brow furrowed with concern. “There’s no one who is unsuited for love. You’re perfect as you are–analytical, thorough, and stable.

teased, half–serious, “Are you being sarcastic about Joseph and

what I said,” Josiah replied. “But regardless, they couldn’t touch


now, you can’t

needed help, you were there without a second thought. You’re not incapable of love; you’re just afraid of getting hurt. That’s why I’m willing to keep giving, bit by bit, until

the grass, lost in memories of their youth. It had been ages since

a distance, Susan watched, her own past memories stirred by the scene. She felt a pang of

to Josiah preemptively, “You


here, I’ll head

up the remains of the barbecue and joined Susan, engaging her in conversation to offer some

might only sink

tent was reserved for Maverick and Laura, while the other four smaller tents were arranged

her and immediately noticed the thoughtful arrangement inside. Thick clothing was neatly laid out atop a disposable sleeping bag, beneath


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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