Noelle made a face. "I'm still full from dinner, and the movie hasn't even started. Why snack now?" She set the snacks aside and then turned to Charles with a curious tilt of her head. "They're saying you're a big star. But anyway, what movie are we watching today?" Noelle was in the dark about the evening's film since she had not caught a glimpse of the ticket. Charles pulled it out and handed it to her with a grin. "Ronald's pick. He said it's the kind of movie you girls love. Was he right?"

Noelle glanced down at the movie poster and could not help but smile. It was exactly the kind of flick that would draw a crowd of giggling girls. It was no surprise that the theater was packed with them. "Well, it's not every girl's cup of tea, but it should be fun!" she chuckled. She was way past her teen drama phase, so the whole idea of watching this to relive her high school years seemed a bit of a stretch.

The film was all about high school shenanigans, and it was very loud and lively. It was supposed to be a relaxing experience, yet here they were, getting sentimental about the good old days. Noelle's eyelids grew heavy, and she almost dozed off, her popcorn threatening to spill as she slumped to the side. Quick as a flash, Charles was there, steadying her and saving the popcorn from a buttery demise.

A collective gasp rippled through the nearby seats. The movie's plot was forgotten, as all eyes were on Noelle and Charles.

Charles had been lightning-fast, scooping up Noelle just as she was about to nod off.

Now cradled in Charles's arms, Noelle was not quite asleep. She blinked groggily and murmured, "Did I miss the end?"

offering his arm as a pillow. Noelle took the hint and let her eyes fall shut

the scene before them. "Wow, that guy is dreamy! And he's super

their whispers,

a wink, and put a finger to his lips, signaling them to keep it down. Then, with a grin, he

blurted out their thanks, but when they caught Charles's hint, they zipped their lips. Charles gave a nod and a smile, gently lifting Noelle to find a



Charles scooped Noelle up and weaved through the

with a rosy tint. "Did the movie end?" she murmured. "Not quite, but we're getting there!" Charles said with a grin.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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